Ikkyu i Yokohama




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Japan, 〒231-0062 Kanagawa, Yokohama, Naka Ward, Sakuragichō, 1-chōme−1−22 「ぴおシティ」B2F
kontakter telefon: +81 45-201-6348
internet side: www.piocity.com
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Latitude: 35.4495884, Longitude: 139.6312219

kommentar 5

  • shun_921s



    Ikkyu-san is located in Pio City, about a 3-minute walk from Sakuragicho Station. The popular ham cutlet and cheese (630 yen) is a thick-sliced ​​ham cutlet with plenty of cheese. I can't get enough of it. This time I ordered grated whitebait. The sashimi platter is also said to be a very popular menu item. It seems that each person must order one snack item. There is a wide variety of alcoholic beverages, and I ordered my favorite frozen lemon sour. It's the perfect drink for a hot day. Smoking allowed inside the store Accounting is table accounting. The inside of the store is a little small. Customer service is good

  • 松岡照幸



    A shop located in Noge Pio City. An affiliated store of the standing bar restaurant ``Fukufuku''. So, the menu is similar, but since you can sit down and drink, the prices here are slightly higher. The taste is the same, so if you want to drink while sitting even though it's expensive, choose this one, or if you want to drink while standing for a cheaper price, choose Fukufuku.

  • サキモリ



    I had assorted sashimi and hot sake. It was lukewarm though. I was alone in the store. I was assigned a seat, but it was a seat that I could see from the entrance, so it was a cherry on the cake. It's delicious but not worth the cost. I want you to try a little harder.

  • yumi



    Lemon sour is recommended! A bar with good value for money About 4 minutes walk from Sakuragicho Station. A shop located in the restaurant area of ​​Pio City. It's located in a corner of the floor where various bars are located. ...Recommended points... *Cost performance◎ / Noge drink *With friends/alone ···menu··· *Stew offal 560 yen *Ham cutlet with cheese 580 yen *Omelet with mentai cheese 630 yen *Frozen whole lemon sour 500 yen It was a holiday night, but I got in without lining up. The store was crowded and full. Drinks and food were generally served slowly, probably because it was crowded. The menu is reasonably priced, so the cost performance is ◎ The ham cutlet with cheese was very filling and delicious ♡ You can choose from several types of omelettes! I was also interested in the one with green onions, but this time I chose the one with mentai cheese! If you want to drink in Noge at a good value, be sure to check it out!

  • Domingo



    I live nearby, but it was my first time drinking at Pio City. At Pio City, my friend said that he was a high-class person, so I got the impression that he was able to drink in a relaxed manner. Even though it's high-class, it's a typical Pio City restaurant that's cheap, delicious, and fast. Everything I ate was delicious, so I would definitely go again. Ham cutlet cheese and sashimi are recommended.

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