100%ビーフハンバーグ グリル・ラクレット i Yokohama

Japan100%ビーフハンバーグ グリル・ラクレット



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Japan, 〒231-0063 Kanagawa, Yokohama, Naka Ward, Hanasakichō, 2-chōme−77−2 大久保ビル 1階
kontakter telefon: +81 45-252-8158
internet side: grill-raclette.owst.jp
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Latitude: 35.4502771, Longitude: 139.6292902

kommentar 5

  • aki



    Although the saltiness was a bit of a problem, it was a delicious hamburger steak with a strong meat flavor. It might be a hamburger that goes well with rice. The rice itself was also delicious. The accompanying vegetables are also delicious. Carrots and green beans are good. It would be nice to have some grilled vegetables.

  • ss sommelier

    ss sommelier


    When you enter the store, you'll be happy to hear nostalgic Showa era pop songs playing. The carrots, potatoes, and green beans that came with the dish were carefully crafted and very delicious. The most important thing is the hamburger steak, but it was a bit disappointing as it was too salty in some places and just right (it's delicious at that place). At first glance, I thought it might have been due to the undercooking at the time of preparation. I would like to come again to eat there.

  • みんみん茶



    There was a line on a Sunday afternoon, so I got in line. It was a store worth lining up for. The change to garlic rice was free. I think I want to go again.

  • 猫神みい



    Hamburger double set 2450 yen When you enter the store, the rockabilly music is playing, reminding you of good old America, but inside it feels like a long-established Western restaurant. The Sapporo Beer poster gives off a nice flavor. The menu is simple, with hamburgers and steaks, and snacks. When you take your seat, they serve you barley tea and a pot. The hamburger set comes with salad, rice, and soup. This set is not to be underestimated. Especially the corn soup. I can strongly feel the sweetness of milk. I wonder if the corn is fried in butter or something rather than just canned corn. It's insanely delicious. The hamburger steak is coarsely ground with a streaky and crisp feel. It's well seasoned with pepper and plenty of sauce, so it's rich and delicious. The side dishes such as glacéed carrots and steamy potatoes are also delicious. Everything is done without cutting corners. It was so delicious that I ascended to heaven. The store's name, raclette, refers to cheese. The one that you are familiar with by sharpening it with a knife. But cheddar cheese is optional on hamburgers. Raclette, a dish of baked potatoes and broccoli sprinkled with raclette cheese, is on the menu, but it's just one of the side dishes. Why is the store called Raclette? Thinking about such trivial matters is one of the spices of enjoying this restaurant.

  • 吉田洋



    January 2024 I visited this restaurant to try the hamburger steak, which was opened by the chef of Hungry Tiger. It's located on a back street near Sakuragicho Station. It was 13:00 on a weekday, but the store was empty. There is a counter and 4 table seats. The store has a nostalgic atmosphere overall. The weekday hamburger lunch is reasonably priced at 990 yen. The salad came first, followed by a piping hot hamburger steak with plenty of sauce on the iron plate. A large serving of rice. The hamburger is soft and medium-cooked. There is quite a lot of sauce and the rice goes well. Overall, there was too much sauce and it was a bit salty. It might have been better to have it served separately. Cash only

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