Ikeda Ishibashi Post Office w Ikeda

JaponiaIkeda Ishibashi Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-4-20 Ishibashi, Ikeda, Osaka 563-0032, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 72-761-8050
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.808865, Longitude: 135.4441381

komentarze 5

  • 人生はぢァがぃも



    As many reviews say︎ ^_^ Since it's the closest post office, I sometimes have no choice but to use it, but I usually try to avoid using it as much as possible and go to another post office︎ ^_^ That's about it. ^_^ The age group doesn't seem to be low, but it might be better to be properly educated about customer service ^_^

  • Yoong (ユン)

    Yoong (ユン)


    I was worried because the reviews were so bad. It was kind I don't think you need to worry

  • ぱねらい



    I can't control my anger. Terrible customer service. This makes me uncomfortable. At least I have to go there, but how can I avoid it? A post office that reflects the current state of Japanese society. In this day and age, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable, the customer is better. I'm left with that discomfort.If there's an alternative, I'd go for it.This old old idiot here is physiologically impossible for me.When I asked him before if he could use electronic money, he looked at me like, ``What's that?'' It takes a lot of time. So I went to the Lawson at the west exit to buy stamps and Yu-Pack.I didn't have to deal with idiots.I suddenly wondered if a company that makes customers so uncomfortable has any value in existence.It's a waste of time to get involved.Customer service attitude We've come to the age where we have to be careful and avoid getting into trouble. There are young but well-run ramen shops, and there's also this sloppy and stupid post office in Ishibashi Shopping Street. Later, the post office When I have no choice but to use the service, I take the train to Kawanishi (320 yen round trip). Previously, I was charged 5,000 yen for the key because the regular mail sent from here had not arrived. It really costs extra money.Still, I don't want to use Ishibashi Post Office.He talks like he's making fun of me.

  • Dragomir Kasarov

    Dragomir Kasarov


    ATM working hours weekdays - 8:00-21:00 Weekend 9:00 - 19:00

  • ali krubally

    ali krubally


    There's an ATM

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