Ichikawa Post Office en Ichikawa

JapónIchikawa Post Office



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-1-1 Hirata, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-8799, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-943-024
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7252076, Longitude: 139.9218713

comentarios 5

  • よしり



    It's the worst. They said they would contact me to investigate, but they never called. I bought it on a flea market site, and the recipient sent it to me using Yu Packet Post Mini, but even though it was marked as complete, the package was not there. I met a staff member on the stairs, but he said he had no recollection of the delivery. If it was something important, I was told to pick it up directly. I can't specify what the other person will send it to... I said that I couldn't guarantee the item was lost, so if you want a guarantee, please send it to me, and I left.

  • ひあろん.



    When I asked over the intercom to leave it in front of the entrance, there was a loud bang. The delivery person probably had something dropped while standing. There was a problem with am○zon, but isn't this post office paying attention? I feel bad that the product was treated so poorly.

  • A.



    The Yu-Yu counter is open on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, but first of all, it is not barrier-free. It was difficult to lift the stroller. Also, the receptionist, a woman with gray hair and glasses, had a much worse attitude. I felt very uncomfortable. I don't want to use it again.

  • T K (天然水)

    T K (天然水)


    I wanted to deliver something to a friend's house in an apartment building called Galleria Sala, and when I tried to put it in the mailbox on the first floor, the post office worker said, ``The delivery is currently in progress, so you can't leave it for later.'' When I asked if it was just one place, he clicked his tongue. It looked like a chubby person came on a bicycle to make a delivery. What kind of education are you receiving?

  • Kunio Hirai

    Kunio Hirai


    Even though the delivery person here was at home, he just put an absentee notice in the mailbox and left without ringing the intercom. Moreover, the time printed on the absentee notice was three hours earlier than the time the delivery person posted the absentee notice in my mailbox. I was disappointed that the time was misleading, and they didn't even check to see if I was home or deliver the package. The quality is on par with Sagawa Express in Suginami.

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