Huitre i Chiba




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35-3 Shindenchō, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0027, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 43-441-6276
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Latitude: 35.6078816, Longitude: 140.1093777

kommentar 5

  • akemi suzuki

    akemi suzuki


    I visited the store for the first time in a while. I want to eat fresh and delicious oysters! If you're in Chiba City, Uitre is definitely the place to go. I was happy to be able to eat delicious oysters this time as well.

  • よねみん



    I used it for lunch on weekdays. The fried oysters were the biggest fried oysters I've ever eaten, and the flavor of the juicy oysters melted into the crispy batter, making it very filling and delicious. The accompanying ratatouille had a gentle flavor, and the tartare that accompanied the fried oysters was homemade and delicious. The vegetables that came with the fried oysters were baby leaves instead of cabbage leaves, which was stylish and looked great!

  • 鯖グルメ



    I visited "Yuittle" which is about 10 minutes walk from Chiba City Hall. ◯Order ・Various colored raw oysters 4-piece SET 1,800 yen (Simple lemon, ponzu sauce, cocktail sauce, basil sauce) ・All 5 kinds of grilled oysters SET 2,200 yen (Unglazed lemon, Bourguignon butter, rich shrimp cream, curry cream, tomato salsa cheese) ・4 pieces of fried oysters from Hiroshima 1,320 yen ➡️The rich oyster soup overflowed and the heat was perfect✨ ・5 kinds of fresh fish carpaccio 1,650 yen ➡️Carpaccio made with fresh sashimi is brightly colored and extremely delicious✨ ・Bouillabaisse flavor with shrimp and mussels 2,000 yen ➡️The soup from the bucket of plenty of shrimp and mussels is refreshing and gentle✨ ・Oyster and mussel fried rice 1,400 yen ➡️It's served in a skillet! ! It tastes like paella and is recommended as a finishing touch! ◯Inside the store The interior of the store, which looks like an old folk house, has a somewhat nostalgic impression✨ The store is full of reserved seats! ! It might be a good idea to make a reservation before you go. It was delicious, thank you for the meal.

  • TMkimani



    You can eat healthy see food here. Especially oysters are super delicious.

  • 伊場寛人



    MUST TRY‼️

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