ホテルニューオータニ ガーデンタワー / Hotel New Otani Tokyo, Garden Tower i Chiyoda

Japanホテルニューオータニ ガーデンタワー / Hotel New Otani Tokyo, Garden Tower


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4-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda, Tokyo 102-8578, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3265-1111
internet side: www.newotani.co.jp
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Latitude: 35.6801372, Longitude: 139.7349347

kommentar 5

  • Brian Li

    Brian Li


    Nice, clean, conveniently located hotel with excellent service. There's some outstanding restaurants in the hotel and hotel is close to several metropolitan areas of Tokyo with great restaurants. Hotel is well connected with subway and train stations near by.

  • en

    Mark Howell


    Friendly staff, nice and well kept rooms. The hotel is huge and the garden is very beautiful. Location is not bad either, it's just a short walk to the subway station.

  • kkuanloung



    Stayed in room 3018. Big clean room with awsome view. Service was exceptional. Short walking distance to a few differe t subway stations. Will definitely come back here again if I ever revisit tokyo.




    Room is very clean. The employees are very helpful. To travel to food and shopping places you will need to catch the subway. They have restaurants and bars but expensive. Bar Capri had a reasonable price for food and if you smoke cigars that's a good place with higher end quality drinks.

  • en

    Kent Jensen


    Good service. Very large, but a bit outdated room.

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