The Centurion Classic Akasaka ザ・センチュリオンホテル クラシック赤坂 i Minato

JapanThe Centurion Classic Akasaka ザ・センチュリオンホテル クラシック赤坂



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3 Chome-11-8 Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5545-5571
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6743994, Longitude: 139.7375009

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tang Han


    We stayed for 5 nights in April. The hotel itself is great. New, good location, large room compared with other similar hotel. Friendly and helpful staff. However, the restaurant that provides the breakfast let us down. Unprofessional and unfriendly staff. Not very clean. Provide the same dishes every day. Scrambled egg is full of shell inside. Doesn’t even have enough toast.

  • Michael Kalwara

    Michael Kalwara


    Staff was great very accommodating. Stayed for 2 nights and had no problems while there

  • Joren Ray Christopher

    Joren Ray Christopher


    This hotel is at the center of people who party the night! Close to train stations and convenient stores. Such a lovely place, cool staff and our room was a Japanese experience in itself.

  • en

    Nathan Bramall


    Great rooms with very helpful staff. The location is ideal as it's near two Subway stations and is surrounded by great restaurants and near some sights.

  • Marty Ho

    Marty Ho


    Biggest room I can get in this area. Stayed for three days and every electronic appliances are just great. Latest model. More than you can think of. Laundry machine with drying function in every rooms I stayed. And interior design is note worthy. More than a dozen power outlets on the wall,no kidding.

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