Hotel Sunshine Utsunomiya i Utsunomiya

JapanHotel Sunshine Utsunomiya



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2-chōme-3-3 Higashishukugō, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0953, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 28-633-0123
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.5576847, Longitude: 139.9015271

kommentar 5

  • Greg Olin

    Greg Olin


    Newer hotel. Spotlessly clean. Friendly bi-lingual staff. 5 min from JR station. Rooms are efficient with full amenities at lobby. Competitively priced

  • R



    We stayed for a night in 2 rooms. Slightly small but clean rooms, much better than one of the nearby hotels we used to stay in. Breakfast is in the pub downstairs that's open 24hrs. Easy access to parking behind the hotel, convenience stores, restaurants, and train station. You can see the shinkansen from the rooms at the top floor. Staff were polite, Theres free coffee In the lobby and lots of amenities. WiFi everywhere. Overall good experience for the price.

  • MIDZ



    For the price and the hassle it’s a 2 stars And I am being generous because I selected non-smoking room and when I got to the hotel and into my room I smelled really bad smoking cover-up spray which actually made me very allergic and Had to go again to the front and request a new room however they kept telling me that my room was non-smoking Until I told them that I would like to cancel my reservation one of the managers took over the conversation and exchanged my room to another one and when I went up to my room there was no smell and it was much better.‏ ‏And even in the new room there was mold all over the curtain and on the side of the bathroom which made it difficult for me to take a shower so that was horrible.

  • J B

    J B


    Nice and clean hotel, fairly new interior. Extremely convenient parking right in front. The restaurant/pub at the bottom floor was really cool and the food was great!

  • venkat ramu

    venkat ramu


    1.Really superb experiance 2.Only one request need to change breakfast menu atleast 2 days once (Based on which country peoples stayed and lijed food) 3.Services are tooo good 4.I never expect this kind of responce 5.Especially reception and cleaning team all tooooo good 5.Wending machine timing need to correct Otherwise all are superb really i recommend my team to next time

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