Hotel Sea Palace Resort i Toyohashi

JapanHotel Sea Palace Resort


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Minowari-1-3 Jinnoshindenchō, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8077, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 532-32-8811
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7608445, Longitude: 137.3226053

kommentar 5

  • K Tahara

    K Tahara


    There are hotels with nice views... It is located in a place overlooking Mikawa Bay in Toyohashi. Not only did we enjoy the view, but the food at Shikitei Japanese Restaurant was also delicious. If you stay overnight, you can also take a bath at the adjacent Aqua-no-Yu BALI. For access by public transportation, a shuttle bus departs from the west exit of Toyohashi Station. Also, if you take a taxi from the station, it will cost around 3000 yen. Route buses leave from Toyohashi Station to the General Sports Park about once an hour via the municipal hospital. It is a short walk from the Sogo Sports Park bus stop.

  • Izuming _sb

    Izuming _sb


    This hotel is located towards Mikawa Bay from the center of Toyohashi City. I think many locals go to the attached pool. The hotel has a large public bath during the day for day-trippers. The Balinese-style setting will make you feel as if you have actually visited Bali. At the restaurant overlooking Mikawa Bay, you can enjoy delicious food for both your eyes and your taste buds. The best part of all was Kupu Kupu, a relaxation salon that felt like a resort in Bali. The oil treatments you can receive there will carefully and accurately soothe your fatigue. The hotel's facilities also make it feel like a resort, making it the perfect spot to spend a special holiday.

  • 3 3

    3 3


    ( ´∀`)b

  • shan pusha

    shan pusha


    Nice SPA, not crowded in the off season. Good for families who look for quiet places and SPA. I will come back again.

  • Arthur Lechte

    Arthur Lechte


    No designated smoking area, smokers in the lobby ruined my experience. Otherwise, a nice hotel

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