Hotel Nikko Nara en Nara

JapónHotel Nikko Nara



🕗 horarios

Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
8-1 Sanjōhonmachi, Nara, 630-8122, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 742-35-8831
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6815762, Longitude: 135.8183918

comentarios 5

  • l ck

    l ck


    The hotel is right at the train station and within walking distance to everything. But the rooms are definitely dated! The bathroom has an airplane restroom cabin feel with a very low ceiling. If you are tall, you will hit your head. The closet in the room has metal sliding doors, and the pillows are all very flat. If you are looking for a place right at the train station, this might be ok. Definitely not a 5 or 4 star hotel.

  • Glen Lee

    Glen Lee


    The check in was smooth and the clerk was very welcoming. The room is old but they did their best to keep it clean as possible. There were stains on the sofa and mold in the shower. Bed we comfortable. The breakfast buffet at Serena was very good and filling, good service as well. They offer free sake and wine from 14:30-19:30 in their lounge. This was definitely a plus!! The parking is in a separate parking lot for 900¥ for 24 hours. Location right next to Nara station so in a good and easy accessible area.

  • Chris L

    Chris L


    One of the better hotels we stayed in Japan. Rooms vere relatively spacious (as for Japan) and service was good. Nice walk to the Nara Park and temples, the main attractions

  • Liang Peng

    Liang Peng


    I stayed for two nights recently at the hotel. The Nikko Nara International hotel is conveniently located at west side of Nara station. The hotel is well equipped with amenities including guest lounge and public bath. The lobby is nice and the staff are so friendly, professional and efficient. I was pleased that my booking has included breakfast, which was the best hotel breakfast among all the hotels I stayed during 15 nights travel in Japan. The room is clean. Everything is great beyond my expecting. If I will go to Nara again, I will certainly stay there without hesitation.

  • Jérémie Topin

    Jérémie Topin


    This hotel is perfectly central in Nara and easily accessible from the station. The services is fantastic. The room decoration is rather neutral. The room are comfortable and quiet. If you are in high floor rooms y9u will have a nice view on the city.

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