brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-4-1 Sonezakishinchi, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0002, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6347-8777
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.697452, Longitude: 135.494168

komentarze 5

  • Jon ramiz

    Jon ramiz


    As others have suggested, the staff at this hotel are very rude, especially the two girls working at the front desk. The rooms are not clean at all and smelled like cigarette smoke even though I booked a non smoking room. When asked to change rooms I was denied in a rude manner by the two girls working at the front desk and was told that I would have to pay more. It seemed like this hotel is not very popular and does not have a lot of guests so they are money driven. The hotel is located around a lot of office buildings so if you’re a tourist or not on a business trip it would not be for you as you will have to commute to the tourists sites in Osaka as there is not much to see where the hotel is located. Overall this was a terrible experience and I’m glad I only stayed for a few days. Management at this hotel needs to train their staff on customer service. I will not be coming back here. Do not recommend.

  • Jasmine Poon

    Jasmine Poon


    WORST hotel accommodation experience. I have travelled across the world and been to many different hotels but this was by far the worst place for service. Check out was at 11am and we brought the keys down to front desk. We went up to grab our bags and used the washroom before heading out and this font desk lady stormed upstairs by 11:10 DEMANDING we have to pay for the late checkout. I never once had anyone storming up to our hotel room demanding for us to pay for late check out. The lady was very rude. Other hotels always offer to extend check out but this one demanded we pay for the whole hour for being 10 mins late. WILL NOT EVER GO BACK AND DO NOT RECOMMEND. We booked a non smoking hotel room but the entire room reeked of cigarette smoke. The room was also small and the air conditioner didn’t even work properly. If you’re a tourist I would also not recommend to stay here as it’s not in walking distance to any major tourist sites or restaurants. Not recommended.

  • C Y

    C Y


    Rooms are relatively small compared to what we are used to outside of Asia. Having a family mart downstairs is very convenient for late night snacks, morning coffee, and whatever else you may need. It may have been a very nice hotel in the past, but it seems a bit past its prime. For the cost (during golden week), it was a great location at a great price with fantastic amenities (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, disposable wash cloths, cleansing oil, face wash, toner, face cream, toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving kit, hair brush, etc.)

  • Mimi Chinati

    Mimi Chinati


    I stayed at the hotel past 19-21 April 24. When I checked in the staff told me check-out time on 21 April at 9.50 am instead of 11.00 am because there would cut off the electric for some hotel maintenance which they told me upon arrival! I don’t know why they think it was ok to do so. In the room, floor, bathroom wall was not clean, there were white stains, room smelled like cigarette (booked for non-smoking) and under the bed was dusty which I mean real thick dust! They didn’t even take trash bag I left next to the bin. (The bin was small and fulled.) Moreover, the day I checked-out I went to the elevator at 10.00 am (at electric cut off time) the elevators off!! My family, 2 elders 1 kid 2 adults had to carry all 5 big luggages, 3 carry-on and a big baby buggy down the fire exit stairs from 5th floor to 2nd floor ourselves! At least they should have called to the rooms to remind people that the electrics will be cut off soon. I couldn’t believe they did nothing. I wish I stayed somewhere else. I will not recommend this hotel to my friends. Sorry.

  • Max Wen

    Max Wen


    honestly the room is pretty ok. larger than most. as other reviewers noted the light switches are nonsense. but the service is the weak point as other reviewers also mentioned. being a hotel next to a train station they should know where an elevator or escalator into the station is because people in hotels have luggage. not only did 3 people at the front desk not know, 2 ignored the question and the third gave up after 30 seconds and just said "I don't know". you're paying too much to stay here to get such lazy service. it's really shameful and I can't overlook this. take your chance here if you must just because the room size but if you expect any service beyond accepting payment you'll be disappointed.

najbliższy Kwatera

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