HOTEL MYSTAYS Kamata w Ota City



brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-46-5 Kamata, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0052, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-6855-3939
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.5600069, Longitude: 139.7159891

komentarze 5

  • jessie edmund

    jessie edmund


    Stayed here for 8 days location perfect because the train station is 5 mins walk with access to local and jr lines. Room is small but that’s like every hotel room in Japan my only negative would that around the toilet mold was dirty also there was a covering around the face tub and it fell off and underneath was very dirty so my advise to the hotel is do some deep cleaning in all rooms and bathroom. They also cleaned our room daily I would stay again

  • Christopher H

    Christopher H


    Staff is friendly, helpful, and speaks some basic English. Room was clean except for some very small things like a chip on a table and some dirty stuff on the phone charger bag. Shower holder is high enough for a 6 ft. tall person (182 cm).

  • John Flood

    John Flood


    Convenient to the station. Only ¥300-ish yen to Haneda. The walk to the bus stop is about 5 minutes. I have stayed here a couple of times. You can get some exercise walking in or ride trains to Kawasaki in 5 minutes or 50 minutes to the Emperors grounds.

  • Shahzeb khan97

    Shahzeb khan97


    Its More than five star every single facilities is available there and My stay is very happiest stay there i really enjoyed my stay there its was like nice luxuries home And All the staff is very nice and polite

  • Dragon X

    Dragon X


    Rooms are small and the bathrooms are very tight. Otherwise, it's very clean with comfortable bed. Good location close to train stations near Haneda airport and links to Tokyo central.

najbliższy Kwatera

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