Hotel Monterey Hanzomon en Chiyoda City

JapónHotel Monterey Hanzomon


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23-1 Ichibanchō, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 102-0082, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3556-7111
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Latitude: 35.686602, Longitude: 139.74212

comentarios 5

  • JS E

    JS E


    This place is a bit overpriced for what you get. The room is super tiny and the bathroom even more so. They mention the rooms we booked were good for six folks. Technically, there are four beds that will 'fit' six people but no space for even the smallest luggage, let alone a big one. Limited amenities and the breakfast buffet is overpriced ($35/pp). The only thing this has is the proximity to the Hanzomon station.

  • Eric



    For the price, location and value of 3 beds for my family was perfect for the price. I highly recommend Google translate with Japanese lang pack downloaded prior. I used Google translate for the A/C controls to perfectly translate in one picture and I could figure it out from there. Air filtration in room, refridgerator, good bathroom, room cleaned daily, all good. Location was excellent, convenient stores, coffee, excellent pastry shop, subway, walking distance to Imperial palace gardens. Minimal interaction with front desk, only check in, asked them to schedule my pickup to airport and check out. Great trip. First time in Japan. I recommend.

  • Jona W.

    Jona W.


    Rooms are alright, although we did not have a closet. But enough room for two suitcases to be opened on the floor. Only thing we disliked was the shower had, which could only be held in place so that it would shoot pretty much at a 90° angle. So had to hold the shower head the whole time. The entrance to the metro is on the other side of the street, super convenient. Service was great.

  • Claire Y

    Claire Y


    The room I stayed was okay, but the bed, pillows and the quilt were full of the smell of mould. I coughed the whole night and woke up from time to time. I had to change a room which is better but still have some smells. One of the staff can barely speak English but the other is good and helpful. I think the clearness of the hotel room needs the attention.

  • Mia Arh

    Mia Arh


    My stay at this hotel was underwhelming. The only upside was its convenient location next to Hanzomon station and the acceptable level of cleanliness 🤷‍♀️ The staff didn't even remotely match the warm hospitality I've experienced at other places in Japan. The furniture's in a sorry state, pretty old and unimpressive. Also the noise from neighboring rooms was seriously annoying 🙄🙄

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