Hotel Monterey Edelhof Sapporo in 札幌市

JapanHotel Monterey Edelhof Sapporo



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Sonntag24 stunden geöffnet
Montag24 stunden geöffnet
Dienstag24 stunden geöffnet
Mittwoch24 stunden geöffnet
Donnerstag24 stunden geöffnet
Freitag24 stunden geöffnet
Samstag24 stunden geöffnet
Japan, 〒060-0002 北海道札幌市中央区北2条西1丁目1
kontakte telefon: +81 11-242-7111
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.0644685, Longitude: 141.3556164

kommentare 5

  • Louk Seton

    Louk Seton


    The location is nice and the view from our room was great. The room got extremely hot (29 degrees) and there was no way to cool it down. Air conditioning wasn't enabled, all the thermostat could do was heat up the room even more. The windows didn't open. It was awful. It was one of the first really hot days in Sapporo and I assume that was why it wasn't enabled yet, but my god it became unbearable, especially in the morning when the sun hit our windows.

  • Zen Yas

    Zen Yas


    Unfortunately I didn’t discover this hotel earlier when I got in Sapporo. So I stay only one night here And 4 nights in a different hotel. I wish I knew this hotel first and spend my first 4 nights here. I only stay one night in this hotel and the front desk allowed me to check in little early without additional charge it was amazing. The room was small but had space for two carryon s, it was great bathroom and excellent view. The building it reminds me European style I loved and I felt home. The breakfast service and food were well organized and accommodating people from different cultures with verity or food for everyone. Also the food was fresh and tasty. The price “ I came in in February 2024” it was fair I definitely came back

  • Darius Ellert Klaus

    Darius Ellert Klaus


    Awesome hotel to stay. Got a room with price at $100/night, great space and interior, with bathtub and complete amenities. Lobby/hall of the hotel are awesome, really love the interior, theres a paid laundry(300yen 5kg) and dry machine(100yen) which you can use too. Hotel are located in city center, easy for you to go anywhere, close to the Sapporo Station too!

  • Daniel Betts

    Daniel Betts


    Location is somewhat convienent about halfway between Sapporo Station and the TV Tower. Staff was nice, allowed me to drop bags off before check in and then brought my bags to my room after check in. Room is modern. Shower was one of the worst I've experienced in Japan. It was either a mist or a constant beating of ten streams at too high an angle to hit your back. Would recommend spending the extra for the spa if staying.

  • Nils Valentin

    Nils Valentin


    Probably the best breakfast I had privilege to enjoy ! :-) 😂🤣😜 First there is the view ! OMG ! Then the location ! A freaking nostalgic wedding banquet room !! The buffet tables stretch on multiple lanes, one left, one right, two in front. Enough to eat for 200! Or more guests. There are so many goodies that your biggest problem is choosing your favorite local recipe. See the photos for more details, absolutely mind boggling!!!

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