Hotel Monterey Akasaka i Minato City

JapanHotel Monterey Akasaka


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4-chōme-9-24 Akasaka, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3401-7111
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6755584, Longitude: 139.7327237

kommentar 5

  • Emeliza Ruck

    Emeliza Ruck


    There is a noticeable difference in treatment if you are a white foreigner. My German husband, son, and I arrived at this hotel yesterday and unfortunately booked it for 3 more days. The room, like many in Tokyo, is small but acceptable. This is my second time in Japan and the first time experiencing racism. As an Asian, I went to breakfast and the lady serving did not greet me, but enthusiastically greeted the white foreigners behind me. Additionally, when I finished my meal before my husband, she cleared his plates but not mine. This behavior is unprofessional and unacceptable. Having lived in America and Europe, this is the first time I have encountered such treatment. Therefore, I DO NOT RECOMMEND this hotel especially if you are colored ASIAN looking.

  • Miha Grilj

    Miha Grilj


    Great views of the park, nice location and the hotel is nicely styled. The carpet had its days so hopefully they clean them better or replace them soon. otherwise all was good and beds are comfortable and the location is quiet at night so you can get a good night sleep!

  • Noah



    The hotel staff were very friendly, we left our baggage at the reception since we arrived before our check-in time. The room itself was pretty small (two separate beds in one room) but was functional and very clean. Our only issue was that they cleaned the room despite our "do not disturb sign" during our short stay and they forgot to put back towels when they did clean.

  • Vi Hong

    Vi Hong


    Location is convenient. Specially, only 8 minutes walk to the local restaurants area. Very fun at night time when we have dinner/drink/sashimi/noodle…with local people..local enviroment. For services, I highly recommend this hotel. Clean room with reasonable space (17m2) I booked 2 rooms for my family. Breakfast is delicious and good view from restaurant. The staffs are supportive and nice.

  • Kayla Sprayue

    Kayla Sprayue


    Nice location near lots of shops, restaurants, shrines, and subway station. Staff were great and breakfast was delicious. Room was great though the bed was very firm and the pillows had beans in them, sort of like a beanbag, which I found a little odd. It didn’t matter though because I was so exhausted from walking around Tokyo everyday that I slept well every night. I would recommend this hotel!

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