Hotel Lungwood en Arakawa-ku

JapónHotel Lungwood



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Japan, 〒116-0014 Tōkyō-to, Arakawa-ku, Higashinippori, 5 Chome−50, 東日暮里5丁目50−5
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3803-1234
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7279857, Longitude: 139.7729759

comentarios 5

  • en

    Chris W.


    Stayed at a 4 person deluxe room. Very spacious but the rooms look a little old. Everything was clean and the rooms were well equipped, though only a floor AC unit was provided. Room was as I didn't hear much from the street nor the hallways.

  • en

    Terry Poon


    Clean and good housekeeping service ,nice staff ,little bit dated,just 5 minutes walking distance to Nippori station, many shop and restaurant nearby

  • en

    Fio Kwok


    The location is excellent, room is so large that is rarely you can see in tokyo hotel, recommend for traveller from Narita airport. Room style is classic but comfortable and clean, however the WiFi is very very slow and usually disconnect....

  • Paul Chang

    Paul Chang


    The interior, design and furnishing of the room itself shows its age. Although clean and spacious, but if you are looking for nice, fancy hotel, this is not the one for you. However, what you do get its convenient location and value for money. It is three minute walk from Nippori Station. Lot of eatery around and there is a large duty free pharmacy Kusuri no Fukutaro that also serves as a convenient store. If you want to do more shopping, Ueno is just two stations away. No, you don't get any fancy facilities, but overall its a comfortable stay.

  • Eric Chan

    Eric Chan


    It is near to Nippori station, the best place to the NRT. However, the wall of room is very thin, you can hear clearly what they talking, and also the dripping shower! Other these, everything are okay.

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