APA Hotel TKP Nippori en Arakawa-ku

JapónAPA Hotel TKP Nippori



🕗 horarios

Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
5 Chome-52-9 Higashinippori, Arakawa-ku, Tōkyō-to 116-0014, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5615-1907
sitio web: www.apahotel.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.727073, Longitude: 139.77284

comentarios 5

  • Sahachart Anukulkitch

    Sahachart Anukulkitch


    Reasonable price. Very close to Nippori station, ramen and family restaurent making this place an ideal hotel in Tokyo. A modern and very clean room with environmental concern. Quite friendly staff with good English.

  • ifani pr

    ifani pr


    Good for 1 night stay, value for money. Small compact room. I like the hotel but not the neighborhood as it was full of massage parlor.

  • Tan Minh Phan

    Tan Minh Phan


    Nice affordable rooms in a convenient place. The only inconvenience is that at least for the rooms facing the train tracks you will always hear the trains as well as the little music notes used by the train companies and the messages that follow at a certain extend.

  • Balvinder Singh

    Balvinder Singh


    This hotel is very close to the Nippori Train Station. Fortunately got the room facing the main road and not the back unit beside the railway line as mentioned by another reviewer. Great in terms of location. Close to train station and a lot of food close by. For food, turn left as you get out the hotel. Staff able to communicate in english and are helpful. As for the room, very small. The bathroom is even smaller. I am a 6 footer, boy, the bathroom/toilet was extremely tight. This is the reason I gave it 4 stars. The TV is very big on relation to the room size. Room and bathroom was extremely clean and they do provide daily cleaning service.

  • Rob Allman

    Rob Allman


    Reception and staff were excellent but the rooms leave a lot to be desired in the details. It's a typical japanese hotel room but it has a lot of little issues that soon add up to an awful night's sleep. First off there is no temperature control on the air con which is a major issue when your are in such close proximity to the train station (our room was on the west side of the hotel) and need to open a window to cool down, the noise is constant apart from the few hours relief between 1-4 in the morning. secondly the bed is right against that window and it constantly leaks in a cold draft so even if you leave it shut to avoid the noise of the station you now have a really hot side of your body and a side that is almost frozen from the constant draft (made worse during our stay in January of course). Next our mattress sloped to the right hand side which made it feel like you were trying to keep your balance when sleeping on the side away from the window. The pillows are wafer thing I've seen nothing like them it's some kind of memory foam no thicker than 6-8cm and there is only one each. It really sounds like I'm picking faults with everything here but after 3 nights of this combination trust me I was done with this place. Again nothing against the staff or cleanliness that was all excellent it's just many little things that ruin the stay.

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