Hotel JAL City Tamachi Tokyo i Minato-ku

JapanHotel JAL City Tamachi Tokyo


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Japan, 〒108-0023 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Shibaura, 3 Chome−16, 港区芝浦3丁目16−18
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5444-0202
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6418567, Longitude: 139.7491514

kommentar 5

  • F Paul

    F Paul


    Room is quite spacious for a Japanese hotel and it's within 10 min walk to JR station. The layout of the room floor is spacious and bright. There's a bus stop for the loop Rainbow bus to Odaiba on the street across the hotel (only cost about 210 yen. Cheap and fast, compared to taking monorail) and when you return, stop at 芝浦三丁目 "Shibaura 3-chome" and the hotel is a 2 min walks away from there.

  • ubergeek52289



    Overall a nice experience, they don't have free coffee in the rooms or for breakfast, but they do have tea. The rooms are small but cozy and the bathrooms are nice. My only real complaint is that you can smell about in the lobby.

  • en

    Jacqueline Russell


    Lovely hotel, clan and friendly, close to transport

  • Victor Cornet

    Victor Cornet


    Second stay at the hotel, still great! Rooms are small but comfy, great for the price.

  • claus elsborg

    claus elsborg


    Excellent hotel, perfect for family, Shibaura is a very nice area with water channels and beautiful streets. The hotel itself has a very nice room, excellent staff at reception and restaurant. Forgot to say the room is very well cleaned. Breakfast is very good specially the japanese. I recommend from my heart.👍

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