Apa Hotel Mita i Minato-ku

JapanApa Hotel Mita


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4丁目-4-8 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to 108-0014, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5419-4111
internet side: www.apahotel.com
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Latitude: 35.6484305, Longitude: 139.7501455

kommentar 5

  • en

    Taher Neralwala


    Nothing great. Good for budget travellers. Rooms are very small

  • en

    Brian See


    SMALL rooms.... Stay away from the hotel breakfast

  • Hardy Liga

    Hardy Liga


    Standard Hotel 3 Stars, the room is small and price not cheap. I went in Spring so they set up aircon to warm. I decided to open window at night but it was so noisy. People still worked in the mid of night and big trailers were back and forth due to hotel facing the main road. But near city harbor if you have work around there and nearby descent restaurants also available. There is nothing much to chill, it is only pure business district area.

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    Jayasanka Senaviratna


    Good for short stay. Not entertaining. Convenient place to access most places in Tokyo. Near to Mita and Thamachi stations

  • en

    phuc dao


    Staffs are helpful but there is only one elevator for the whole hotel. Need to wait really long in the morning. There is no acessibility for stairs too.

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