Ark Hotel Hiroshima w Hiroshima

JaponiaArk Hotel Hiroshima


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-45 Nishikōjinmachi, Minami Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0806, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 82-263-6363
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.3938262, Longitude: 132.4771033

komentarze 5

  • Eric Yabumoto

    Eric Yabumoto


    Ark Hotel located near the train station is a 10 min walk. There is a onsen type bath available when you stay there which is why we booked. It was a solid choice. The rooms can get a little small but it's Japan so it's on par with everything else. The actual bathrooms in the room is very small. Service staff was nice and courteous. Competitively priced so wouldn't mind going back.

  • Daniel Walker

    Daniel Walker


    Only stay here if you absolutely have to. Very unfriendly and unhelpful staff at reception. They won't greet or even acknowledge you. Supposed to be on a non smoking floor but whole floor and room stinks of cigarettes. Asked for an extra pillow and they didn't have a spare one in the whole hotel? Had to ask many times about breakfast like they didn't want us to know. Nothing is written in English anywhere even on vending machines. I don't think they want tourists or foreign people in this business oriented hotel. It is close to train station but we will never be back again or recommend. Nothing like any of the other Japanese hotels we have stayed in before.

  • TheDanza



    Average but ok. We stayed two nights here and the rooms are slightly larger than average (like 14sqm instead of 9-11sqm). But the hotel seems to have stayed stuck in the late 80’s regarding equipments & furniture. We got a non smoking room on a smoking floor. Cigarette smell came in through every opening and the room was unbearable stinky because of that. We were moved to another floor - non smoking - the 2nd night. The breakfast buffet was actually pretty good for what you can find in Japan. Lots of choice and a nice room (see the pics). Staff is friendly but speaks absolutely no English so better have your google translate app ready. I’d stay again here I guess as the price is ok too.

  • Felipe Leite

    Felipe Leite


    Definitely not welcome staffs in the reception. The room is dirty, it was musty and the photos don't show how it is bad and old. The room was smelling pee and probably due to the shower curtain. The air conditioning is full of dusty which made me sick next day. Considering the price paid, check the pictures, I'd never recommend this hotel.

  • Lachlan Forsyth

    Lachlan Forsyth


    Every surface of the room smelt very very strongly of dirty smoke including the shower curtain and bed linen. The bed was the hardest and most uncomfortable bed I have slept on in my life. Very dated room which was visibly tarnished from cigarette smoke. The room needs a lot of maintenance with the bathroom vanity completely cracked, the main cupboard almost falling off the hinges and peeling wallpaper around the room. Visible soiling of chairs and carpet. The Ark hotel is 5 minutes walk to the train station and the staff are friendly. Free wifi included. Would not return or recommend.

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