Hotel Gracery Tamachi en Minato-ku

JapónHotel Gracery Tamachi


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3 Chome-8-1 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to 108-0023, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6699-1000
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6437253, Longitude: 139.7509108

comentarios 5

  • Sean McGinnis

    Sean McGinnis


    Nice quiet location, yet still close to everything. Staff were very helpful and hotel was a nice and comfortable place to stay.

  • Rifki Fajar Hadiawan

    Rifki Fajar Hadiawan


    The hotel building wasn't difficult to find. It's located in a quite neighborhood, but a 3 minute walk will get you to convenience stores and a yakitori shop that smells so good. The staffs were nice, offered a hot towel upon check in. The rooms were not as big as I thought it would, but it's still worth your buck. The nearest train station-Tamachi station-is a 10 minute walk across the river. Don't hesitate to ask the hotel's staffs as they are really nice and helpful, speak a tiny bit of English too. Would I stay here again? Probably.

  • Xtrocious Wong

    Xtrocious Wong


    Pretty decent and nice hotel. A little out of the way but still well served by 2 train stations. Lots of convenience stores around so there's no lack of places to buy stuff.

  • Teck Yian Lim

    Teck Yian Lim


    Service is good and the receptionists are mostly fluent in English. The smallest room is a little cramped for 2. While not in a touristy area, it's within a short walk to the JR Tamachi Station and the Mita Station. The breakfast buffet is mostly Japanese, with rice, porridge and various condiments. There's bread too but there are better choices from the surrounding eateries or convenience stores.

  • ashish goyal

    ashish goyal


    Good hotel for short business trips. Convenient location, train station very close, also only 30mins by train from Tokyo Haneda international airport. No restaurant in the hotel and no English channels on TV

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