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Japan, 〒105-0014 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Shiba, 3 Chome−23−1
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5441-4111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6510474, Longitude: 139.7488229

comentarios 5

  • en

    Mike S Chi


    Great Location, Great Facilities and Great Staff. Love this hotel. The room was more spacious than other hotels in Tokyo for the price I paid. They have two breakfast restaurants one opens at 7:00am and the other at 8:00am. The one opens late is cheaper with simple selections but good. The only issue I had with the hotel was the speed of WiFi which was either too slow or disconnected too often. Other than this, overall great hotel. Also there is a bus from Narita airport that goes to the hotel which makes your trip easy.

  • en

    Nick Butler


    Only stayed one night but would go back, great location and service make the price completely understandable

  • Joshua Davis

    Joshua Davis


    Very friendly and helpful staff had our luggage out of the taxi before we even finished paying (and wiped it dry from the rain.) Great location, close to several train lines. Rooms are small but have all the amenities—hair dryer, iron, multiple robes, fancy Japanese toilet, complimentary toiletries, newspaper, etc. They even have a free cell phone for your stay to use on the go. Lounge all has free coffee/tea/water 24-7 and is a nice quiet place to work.

  • Milap Shah

    Milap Shah


    Nice hotel with great staff and amenities. Reasonably priced for the service they provide. Rooms are bit tiny so good for 2 people. Overall great experience.

  • en



    very good place. mostly it has so small size room in japan. but this hotel is bigger than other hotels service.. very kindness. perfect to me. but this hotel is in business area. so if you want to eat something, play something, go to other place... sometimes is a little troublesome in midnight

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