Hotel Festa Qugiella (ホテル フェスタ クジーラ) in Okayama

JapanHotel Festa Qugiella (ホテル フェスタ クジーラ)


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425-134 Fujita, Minami Ward, Okayama, 701-0221, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-296-6262
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.5835653, Longitude: 133.8847069

kommentare 5

  • 長坂



    Free services such as drinks were nice. The building feels old, but it's a good place to take a break inside. I feel like it doesn't bother me. However, it will be more expensive on Saturdays and Sundays.

  • Hinata Koda

    Hinata Koda


    It's cheap anyway. It's beautiful for that reason. If you just do that kind of thing with your lover, there's no problem at all. I will use it again.

  • カッパ秀太郎



    Cleaning was done well. I'm a little disappointed in the mold in the bathroom. However, since drinks and food were provided, it felt like a good deal! The front desk staff was very helpful and I would like to come again! Also, the Hida Shizuku mineral water in the fridge is really delicious! Good choice!! ️!! ️I did my best in round 2 with my girlfriend💮💯

  • chi



    The exterior looks run down, but they seem to be working hard on the service. 5% discount on member's card of 300 yen. It's a shame that you can't order using the remote control, you have to call the front desk, and you can't use a credit card. There are 3 room types: A, B, and S.

  • curry saba

    curry saba


    Whales are somehow cute. The facilities are a bit old, but it's clean, and I'm glad they offer free drinks and snacks. I also like the pricing, which makes it easy to stay for a long time.

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