Hotel Associa Shizuoka en Shizuoka

JapónHotel Associa Shizuoka


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56 Kuroganechō, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0851, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 54-254-4141
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Latitude: 34.9729736, Longitude: 138.3898521

comentarios 5

  • Wouter Malaga

    Wouter Malaga


    It's quite dated, but the location makes up for it.. the room was oke. The bar on the 15th is not that special.. on top of that you pay an 800¥ fee.. you'll get some nuts.. not really accommodated when having a nut allergy

  • Alan Bradley

    Alan Bradley


    Unfortunately, this hotel allows smoking in rooms, so if you're unlucky and the previous guests smoked, the smell remains.

  • Ben Ackerman

    Ben Ackerman


    Really loved this hotel. Wonderful service, friendly staff. Restaurants within the hotel are world class. Had some of the best Chinese food, in Japan 😬. Room was decent size in comparison to typical room size in Japan. Close to train station and local amenities.

  • Eddie Tan

    Eddie Tan


    A nice convenient hotel with everything within walking vicinity. The hotel is spacious with great lobby and reception. The staffs are friendly too. The car can park next to the hotel with a special price. The room is clean and spacious. The breakfast is nice and delicious. Next to the hotel is a train station with a big mall. So convenient! will be back

  • Zhou Li (Joe)

    Zhou Li (Joe)


    I have a very mixed feeling about this hotel. On the up side, it’s walking distance from JR station. The buffet breakfast is AMAZING by well presenting local produce. The down side is the relative old guest rooms. Smell is unpleasant from either smoking or mold. Visible stain on carpet. Bathroom ground level is higher than outside without any warning which could cause tripped over easily and be a safety concern for senior. I don’t usually give lower than 4 stars. Giving lower than 4 stars means observing major deficiencies.

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