Hotel Garden Square Shizuoka en Shizuoka

JapónHotel Garden Square Shizuoka



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11-1 Kōyamachi, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0852, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 54-252-6500
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9720918, Longitude: 138.3848291

comentarios 5

  • Caitlyn Lee

    Caitlyn Lee


    I really enjoyed my stay here. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE at the hotel are very nice, friendly, and polite. My room was really clean and spacious. If you've traveled to Japan, you'd know how tiny the rooms can be. The room I got here was the largest out of all the hotels I stayed at in Shizuoka. The location is also great, but most of the hotels in Shizuoka are in a similar area. There are plenty of restaurants and shops as soon as you walk out the hotel. I stayed in 3 different hotels, all about 3 mins walking distance from one another, but this was the best one. Breakfast was simple but good.

  • Shan Ting Lin

    Shan Ting Lin


    A remarkably gratifying stay unfolded before us. The hotel staff demonstrated unparalleled hospitality, going above and beyond in their service. We sought the hotel staff's assistance in rearranging to a non smoking room, and they graciously explained the price difference while apologizing for the delay, as the new room required cleaning. But, with our imminent plans to explore the city, waiting for the cleaning was impractical. We discussed the possibility of moving later in the evening with the front desk, and their immediate response was reassuring – no need to worry; it could be arranged. When we returned to the front desk that night to get our new room key, we were met with a surprising revelation. The front desk staff had already moved our luggage to the new room, a gesture that left us incredulous. Upon entering our new room, it was as if we had never left the previous room!! Every item was meticulously arranged in the same positions, down to the minutest details. The level of attention to service left us deeply moved. We were profoundly appreciative of the hotel staff's incredible assistance, and we couldn't help but feel somewhat apologetic for the significant effort they had put in for our benefit. To fellow travelers, I wholeheartedly recommend this establishment for your stay. Moreover, the hotel boasts modern facilities, including complimentary bath salts available at the front desk. Despite the room's cozy size, it is equipped with all the essentials. This stay was an exceptionally enjoyable experience, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the members of the hotel staff. We eagerly anticipate our next visit. Lastly, don't forget to try the hotel's daily offering of lemon beer; it's so gooood!!

  • Emio Yen

    Emio Yen


    I paid ¥17400 for an old and ugly twin room, and I had to tolerate noisy walking back and forth sounds from upper floor. You boss must be an heir of fast food stores,like Macdonald, you ask customers clean and recycle their tableware at breakfast? A cafeteria breakfast should ask customers to recycle their tableware? Only low price restaurants have such rules, but why your price is so high? A man may drink ten cups of beverages, or over ten dishes of plates, and you should ask them to clean up? Why you need employees? Ask them to quit,ok!

  • Graham Wild

    Graham Wild


    The most amazing hotel in Japan. Amazing garden out the back. Very comfortable bed and pillows. Great breakfast. Coin laundry. Close to the station. Great staff, very helpful and friendly (split my pants one visit and they called the seamstress for me and explained everything in Japanese so I just had to drop the pants off, another time when staying with family they called a kimono experience for us to make arrangements etc). Have stayed here countless times, and will continue to.

  • Gregory Goh

    Gregory Goh


    This is a unique hotel won a 19th Century Garden at her back yard. I book this hotel bec of this reason, however the Garden is surrounded by high end restaurents. I stay at level, thought i request Garden view but i could not see the Garden, you probably has to request 5 floor and above. The hotel is nicely decorated, the room is clean and nice. The hotel staff are friendly and helpful. The location is great, near to train station and shopping area. Many restaurents at surrounding.

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