Hotarukotori Clinic en Okayama

JapónHotarukotori Clinic



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1381 Yokoikami, Kita Ward, Okayama, 701-1145, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-236-7867
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7111193, Longitude: 133.9051961

comentarios 5

  • 競艇桃太郎



    My budgie has been unwell for a few days now and Hotaru Kotori Hospital was closed. I searched online for hospitals where I could see birds, and called them whenever I could, but they all told me, ``I don't see birds anymore,'' and they wouldn't talk to me. Meanwhile, I went to a hospital where I was able to see it even though I was not an expert. Since I'm not an expert, I could only apply a stethoscope to the problem, and I didn't know the cause. I wrote that it was a complete reservation system, but that didn't work. The next day, I called Hotaru Kotori Hospital in the morning. I was told that I could see the doctor, although I would have to wait as they were fully booked. It was my first time visiting the hospital, but the atmosphere inside and outside the hospital was nice, and the receptionist was courteous. Since I was expected to be waiting for a long time, I was able to keep my budgie and watch him until the doctor's appointment. I went there from 9 o'clock, but was able to see it after 12 o'clock. I thought it would be necessary to make a reservation if I wanted to go, but I was informed over the phone that just because I didn't have a reservation didn't mean I wouldn't be able to see it, and that if it was an emergency, I would be given priority. During your examination, we will look at every detail. Once the disease was diagnosed, the patient was given a detailed explanation of the disease. I thought it was a bird specialty. Even while I was waiting, people were coming in with reservations one after another, so I was convinced that this was a trustworthy hospital. I think I will continue to use this hospital in the future, but it was such a wonderful hospital that I was able to gain trust from just my first visit.

  • こみこみ



    The exterior and interior are very beautiful and calm. The doctor was a woman, and she spoke kindly to me, so I felt at ease when she examined my parakeet. I will take care of you. Thank you again!

  • hiro s

    hiro s


    You can relax in a lovely old folk house style building. Isn't this the best hospital in Okayama that specializes in small birds? The receptionist's response is polite and you can feel at ease even if it's your first time. Since you will be examined after filling out a very detailed medical history form, the process will go smoothly without having to explain things again in the examination room. We will examine you properly through a detailed examination. Due to its popularity, advance reservations are required. Reservations are required, and there are always several people waiting in the waiting room even on weekdays. However, of course, the fees are quite high because it is a free medical treatment. I am able to reach Yukichi after a 10 minute consultation every time (⚲□⚲)

  • さんぷる



    This is a bird specialty hospital that requires reservations. The teacher is very easy to talk to, listens carefully to what I have to say, and it seems like if you ask me one thing, he will tell me three things. If the test is expensive, such as a blood test, they will ask you in advance, and they will change the treatment accordingly, which is very helpful. She is a very good teacher for someone like me, who is shy and gets nervous when someone looks at me in a negative way. The teacher also seems to like birds, and I can really see how he tries to help them no matter what. As expected, we were unable to save the child as it was too late due to the long holiday, but we were able to save the child who was dying from acute hepatitis. I have nothing but gratitude. They can also give you injections such as nutritional supplements and medicines. So if the condition is too severe, you may be asked to visit the doctor every day. The doctor seems to be very concerned about the stress on the bird, saying things like, ``It hurts when you inject here, right?'' and ``You don't like being touched, right? So let's treat the bird like this so it doesn't cause stress.'' I can tell that they really care about the birds. I also know of many other hospitals, but I'm glad that the treatment and drug costs here are reasonable. Well, it's not covered by insurance and the expensive ones are expensive. It's a little difficult to live far from home, but I think I'll be able to help you in the future.

  • mink



    I have been going to the hospital for almost 4 years now. There aren't many hospitals that specialize in small birds, and the doctor is a nice, beautiful person who is very kind and helpful. My parakeet was in danger twice, but was saved. I have nothing but gratitude. Thank you. It's a very soothing space that doesn't seem like a hospital in an old private house that has been renovated. I'm also grateful that reservations are required. If there was one thing, I would feel more secure if there was an emergency response😂 But it's a hospital that I'm thankful for. I will continue to visit.

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