Doutor i Hiroshima




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Japan, 〒732-0822 Hiroshima, Minami Ward, Matsubarachō, 1−2 JR広島駅 新幹線2Fラッチ内
kontakter telefon: +81 82-568-2087
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.398629, Longitude: 132.475185

kommentar 5

  • Timeshare Chinchilla

    Timeshare Chinchilla


    Got tricked going through the Shinkansen gates to discover there was very limited food options on the other side in the ticketed area. Thankfully Doutour was there for a quick breakfast. ¥620 for a roll which was larger than I expected. Good taste. Juices and cold drinks were too expensive, so I got an OJ from a vending machine afterwards for ¥140. Nice seating area although the tables are too close together especially with a lot of people having luggage. Nice warm lighting and I liked the mural of Hiroshima sights on the wall. Friendly staff and fast service.

  • Lori



    We've been to Doutor in Tokyo, Hiroshima, & Kitakyushu & they've all been the same & they've all been very good. Iced coffee is perfect. Bacon & egg sandwich is delicious (eggs scrambled & very soft, bacon is more similar to American ham).

  • Levi Flaman

    Levi Flaman


    Picked up a Milano sandwich and a crepe cake before my shinkansen ride to Fukuoka and they were both amazing. The iced coffee I got to go with them was also good.

  • Carlos Jaime De Leon

    Carlos Jaime De Leon


    Teryaki chicken sandwich and kokuto latte was delicious. Good atmosphere but only accessible after entry for the ticket gates

  • Paul Walsh

    Paul Walsh


    Nice and quick service in the bullet train concourse in Hiroshima Station with lots of seats (many with power outlets). They offer a vegetarian burger/sandwich (not vegan but close...)

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