Hoshino Coffee i Kobe

JapanHoshino Coffee



🕗 åbningstider

8-30 Kaigandōri, Tarumi-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 655-0036, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 78-707-0037
internet side: www.hoshinocoffee.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6282189, Longitude: 135.0442098

kommentar 5

  • maru san

    maru san


    Ham and cheese toast set for breakfast: 550 yen These days, sandwiches at convenience stores usually cost around 300 yen, so if it comes with delicious coffee for 550 yen, I'm very satisfied. P.S. When I visited again, the ham and cheese toast breakfast had changed to 580 yen, either way it was cheap and delicious.

  • oishi udon

    oishi udon


    Since it is a chain, there is a sense of stability and security. However, the seats are quite worn out, so that's a bit of a negative point. I don't think it's a problem if you want to relax while working.

  • やまちゃお



    I had French toast breakfast. Almond slices are on top of whipped cream. Even when I ate it with maple syrup, it wasn't too sweet and was delicious! I wanted to try the soufflé, but since it started at 11am (weekdays), I was told that I could have the mini pancake for an extra 100 yen, so I ordered it. It was delicious and felt like a good deal. Even though it was a weekday, the parking lot was almost full, but we were able to get inside right away!

  • Joseph Chow

    Joseph Chow


    The cafe was located along a main street. Free parking was provided outside the building. The interior decoration was pleasant with windows facing busy traffic. The guests were welcomed and led to the most suitable table. The menu was attractive. Order was taken manually by the waitress, who was very polite. Dripped coffee was served, and the taste was very good. The food was displayed nicely on the plate. The thickness of the pancake was alike sponge cake. The atmosphere was quite quiet, and the customers were generally behaving well. There were newspapers and magazines for reading. We would visit the chained cafe again for sure.

  • Anaste1612



    A Cozy Café just infront of Road 2 with enough space for car park. Beside the Coffee ☕️♥️ I think The Soufflé is one of the speciality. Especially I Love the Pancake 🥞😋 The Pancake alone, taste so delicious!

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