Hoshi Dental Clinic en Kanuma

JapónHoshi Dental Clinic


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1-chōme-854-1 Shimotamachi, Kanuma, Tochigi 322-0036, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 289-63-4182
sitio web: www.star-dc.net
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.559689, Longitude: 139.754484

comentarios 5

  • 薫


  • 新藤貴一



    We take care of you with examinations and treatments. It may be difficult if you want to take the test in a hurry. Please make an appointment early and visit the clinic.




    Thank you for always checking up on me. It's a very clean place, the checkups are smooth, and my mouth is kept clean, so I want to go there all the time!

  • H T

    H T


  • yomo chan

    yomo chan


    The reception is very kind, but we do not accept any emergencies. I asked for an explanation because I was concerned that the filling on my silver tooth, which was newly covered by insurance, was going to be visible, but I was given the metal filling with the explanation, ``Well, I don't think you can see it.'' (Later, I was told at another dentist that insurance would cover my silver teeth.) There is usually a one month wait for reservations. There's almost no way to speed it up. I have no choice but to go to the hospital because my child is being treated at a high cost (there is no split system), but I do wonder if they will take appropriate action if something goes wrong with my child's treatment. Or was it because my treatment was covered by insurance? for now Treating patients is kind and polite I wonder if it's not kind to your wallet and emergency cases.

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