ほーりーぱん i Kakuda




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Yodare-8-2 Shimada, Kakuda, Miyagi 981-1503, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 224-66-4138
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Latitude: 37.945288, Longitude: 140.8212266

kommentar 5

  • Benjamin Scott Campbell

    Benjamin Scott Campbell


    Soft bread. Quite pleasant, but not to cut. My wife and I got a loaf for toasting, and it was rather challenging to slice due to the softness. Would recommend though, as it's very delicious! The place is hard to miss with all the helpful (albeit small) signs pointing the way at each turn. While it appears there is seating, it seems inside is reserved for something else, and the outside chairs were already occupied by a clutch of spiders which (I assume) were enjoying their own afternoon snacks. Not a place to come stay a while, but the man is obviously passionate about his work. Good for him!

  • ちぎっては食べ太郎



    "Spinach and cheese bagel" Would you like to go see the exhibition? I was invited. Location? I replied, "Do you know about a place called Holi-Pan?" she asked. I went there just the other day and was dumped (sold out and closed). Aside from the exhibition, I've been curious about Hollypan for a while. After two replies, I enthusiastically gave the OK, saying, ``I know, so I'll definitely go.'' It's in a great location. After all, it's Kakuda City. Just because it's called Kakuda makes you think it's a bit of a maniac, but it's located in a very remote part of Kakuda. I drove through farmland that I didn't know where, and when I entered the path, I found a shop. After all, I had been dumped before, so I arrived before the store opened to be on the safe side, but there were already several people in line. Line up at the end. I get excited when I see today's bread lined up in the distance. It feels a little new to be considered an old folk house, but it has a certain age and sadness to it, and is a one-story building that is often seen in the countryside. It has a nice atmosphere, but even so, I'm impressed that something like this can be done in such a location. When I entered the store, I saw that there were more types of bread than I expected. And it has some good taste. Yes, this is a lineup of breads that have good taste. That's why I'm confused. I'm really confused. I was so confused that I bought this and that. I exchanged words with the owner, and I felt like there was something interesting and memorable about it. I thought the bread had a rounded taste. Rather than having a sharp taste, it feels well-balanced and easy to eat. Among them, my favorite was the spinach and cheese bagel, which had a strong impact.The bagels I ate freshly made and in other states were both chewy and delicious with the stimulation of spices. If it's in the lineup, I highly recommend you try it. When I left the store, the scenery of the countryside spread out and I wondered if I would come back again. I was confused, but I wanted to come again.

  • sayo. ca

    sayo. ca


    It’s a hidden gem. Their rosemary olive focaccia and pain de campagne aux figues are the best. It would be great if could have their delicious breads with some coffee inside the shop (instore eating is closed for now). If you are a coffee lover I recommend to grab some coffee from roasted shop Ogata (10mints by car). campagne, salmon & mushroom pizza, rum raisin cream sandwich, olive focaccia, a half loaf of white bread ¥270~350 Canelé ¥170 cheese cake, lemon cake ¥300ish~ Ho-ri-pan(like holly bread) , pan, bakery, cafe

  • akihiko ando

    akihiko ando



  • Paul Nash

    Paul Nash


    A great little bakery with a cozy atmosphere. There is room to eat in with a hot or cold drink.

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