Hokuren Shop en 新篠津村

JapónHokuren Shop



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Japan, 〒068-1100 北海道石狩郡新篠津村第47線北11
contactos teléfono: +81 126-39-3131
sitio web: www.hokurenshoji.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.2245974, Longitude: 141.6518459

comentarios 5

  • ちょっとそこまで



    The parking lot is quite spacious. Is the product selection the same as other supermarkets? ! However, there was no eye-catching pop-up, and around 2:00 pm on a weekday, there was no one around, so it felt lonely. I stopped by because I wanted sake from Shinshinotsu. Roadside stations and farmers' markets don't carry 1sho bottles, so I went there and found them. It was a delicious drink.

  • David Marsh

    David Marsh


    local grocery, had everything we needed.

  • ssl小太郎



    I stopped by Zoya to buy kimchi. I couldn't go to a direct sales store, so I bought it from Hokuren.

  • pokochan01



    I ate Genghis Khan with this store's unique seasoning and it was delicious. I also bought some pork, and it was of better quality than what I bought locally or at the supermarket in Sapporo. It's not a super cheap store and it's not in my neighborhood, but I would like to use it from time to time.

  • Yuichi Yoshikawa

    Yuichi Yoshikawa


    Ral's Mart provides fresh ingredients to the area, but this one has something a little unique. The location of Shinozu itself is ``Hokkaido's leading agricultural production area,'' and the store's special feature is that it has a wide variety of ``local and locally produced'' vegetables. The processed foods are also excellent, and the in-house seasoned Genghis Khan is especially recommended. Mutton meat seasoned with Ral's Mart Shin-Shinotsu store's unique ``sauce.'' This is a sauce that you won't find anywhere else, and the sweetness of the vegetables and grated apple give it an exquisite taste. This is recommended!

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