Hokkai en Kobe




🕗 horarios

Restaurant mall, 1-chōme-10-1 Sannomiyachō, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0021, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 78-392-1668
sitio web: www.kk-hokkai.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6933918, Longitude: 135.1952231

comentarios 5

  • 神様、食べても太らない身体を下さい



    A ramen shop located in Sanchika Restaurant Mall, just west of Hanshin Sannomiya Station. This popular restaurant fills up quickly after opening at 11:00, with some people waiting outside. Seasonal cold noodles have started. The man in the kitchen here is very kind and I am humbled. When I tried to immediately change the cold noodles I ordered to salted butter corn, I was told that they had already started making them. When I finished eating and left, I said, ``I'm sorry. I can't make any changes.'' "No, I'm sorry about this. The cold noodles were delicious, thank you for the meal. ” When I left the store, my heart was warmed. When I hear something like this, I think I'll go again. ◯ Rich miso ramen ¥900 2 thick slices of char siu, bean sprouts, and chopped green onion. It is a rich and mellow soup. ◯Cold noodles¥900 Seasonal menu Two thin slices of chashu, tomato, cucumber, egg, wakame, and bean sprouts. Dissolve the mustard in the vinegar and soy sauce soup to your liking. ◯Mini fried rice set ¥300 It is lightly stir-fried and has a light flavor. #Hokkai Ramen Saranbe #Sannomiya Ramen #Sannomiya Lunch #Sannomiya Gourmet #Kobe Ramen #Kobe Lunch #Kobe Gourmet

  • Junhyuk Song

    Junhyuk Song


    I enjoyed noodles and kyoja. Since a group of tourists from UK were enjoying noodles with a Japanese guide, I was confident that this restaurant serves one of good noodles in Kobe. It has menu with pictures, so you can order, no problem. The kind staff will help you. Don't worry. Overall, the food was good. Espacially, the soup was good, the pork was soft and the noodles were well boiled. Enjoy.

  • tomo yone

    tomo yone


    A ramen chain restaurant located in Aji Noren Street, Sanchika, Chuo Ward, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture. Hokkai Ramen Saranbe Sanchika branch There is no smoking inside the store and there are no restrooms. It's not very spacious with counter and table seats. The good location means it gets crowded during lunch and dinner. We also have a full set menu. Since it is called Hokkai ramen, miso ramen seems to be recommended. The rich miso ramen (900 yen including tax) doesn't have much richness and depth. Also, the noodles are inferior to the fresh noodles sold at the supermarket. If it costs around 500 yen, I'd be willing to give up, but 900 yen (tax included) is unthinkable. Price and taste ➕ added value are not proportional at all. I don't think I'll go next. Payment can be made not only by cash but also by code such as Pay Pay. Customer service was more common in part-time jobs.

  • Aoshi Anzai

    Aoshi Anzai


    The first time I went to the store, it was so crowded that I gave up, and the next day I went in for the first time. If you try to order the special soy sauce ramen, it will likely be sold out that night. So I ordered miso ramen! ! Well...it tastes like it's just enough for people to come in (´ー`*) Yup. Really delicious (*´艸`) Also, the atmosphere of the shop and the guys is really nice ( ∩ˇωˇ∩) The next day at noon, I got revenge on the soy sauce ramen and got the amazing special soy sauce ramen (*´艸`) It was extremely delicious (*´ω`*) The price is around 800 yen and it is well worth it ♪ Please try it once (*´艸`)

  • weisiao chen

    weisiao chen



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