Hiroshimaginko Saijominami Shiten en Higashihiroshima

JapónHiroshimaginko Saijominami Shiten



🕗 horarios

6-chōme-10-17 Saijōshitami, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-0047, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-421-7150
sitio web: www.hirogin.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.407662, Longitude: 132.715204

comentarios 5

  • y. cha

    y. cha


    There is a road leading from the front parking lot to the back, but the entrance is narrow, so even though there is a no-parking sign at the front parking lot, I see cars and bicycles parked normally. In fact, there have been several times where I have been unable to pass due to it getting in the way. As for bicycles, I parked them in the wrong place. I honked the horn, but the bank employee just glanced at me and didn't do anything. What if we just talked to the customers? In the end, I got rid of the bicycle. Actually, suppress the feeling of wanting to kick it! If you have a parking lot on your own land, please pay attention not only to the inside of the store, but also to the outside.

  • tora hinoe

    tora hinoe


    When is the best time for last order? I will ask again tomorrow, but will the passbook card be reissued by December 10th? I'm worried because it's necessary. ~detail~ I needed a Hiroshima Bank account to transfer my salary, so I hurriedly made an appointment online for yesterday, the 27th, but they only had availability on the 29th. However, today, the 28th, I suddenly had some free time, so I was able to enter the store at about 2:55 pm, just at the last minute. Just in case, I asked, ``Are you still okay?'' Then, what kind of business is it? The conversation continued. When I told them that I needed to have my passbook card reissued and the details of why it was lost, I was told that if I had already made a reservation for tomorrow, I would have to come again. Not even a little bit. ~Ending~ My passbook card was safely reissued on the same day, and I was able to complete the procedure in time. However, including the passbook card, it cost 4,400 yen. Actually, my parents opened this account when I was a child and then lost it, so I'm barely there (bitter smile). The service at the counter was good. Regarding the procedure for abolishing the "family card," I briefly put it off because it would take more time, but if it's no longer usable, then there shouldn't be a problem. ~The mystery of the app~ Since I already had an account, I was unable to pass the screening process for opening a new account through the app, and the procedure described above was followed... In that case, I contacted them over the phone (or rather, at the Saijo Minami Branch) and told them that I would not be able to make it in time for December 10th. It was affirmed. However, the result was just in time. For me, as long as I could use my Hiroshima Bank account, I didn't mind whether it was a new one or a reissued one. I also told them the purpose of the opening and that there was a deadline, so I was in a hurry. After that, I was advised to make a reservation, go to the counter, and complete the procedures for canceling my account and opening a new one. In short, I don't understand why I was not advised to reissue the card, which is the shortest route. Please provide clear instructions over the phone to avoid any more misunderstandings than in person.

  • コウシュン(こうじゃん)



    I am a foreign student. I would like to open a Hiroshima Bank account for university-related procedures. When I asked the bank about the procedure for opening an account, they told me that I needed to make a reservation at least a week in advance. Yes, I understand. After making a reservation a week in advance, I went to this store and tried to open an account, but the bank counter refused to open an account. When asked about the reason for the refusal. ``Our bank does not accept requests to open accounts solely for the purpose of paying university tuition fees. Do you have any other important purposes?'' that? Why didn't you tell me anything when I made the reservation a week ago? I'm a foreigner, but there are still many things I don't understand about the rules in Japan. Still, all I can remember about that strange question is "Huh?!" As a first-year international student, if you asked me what my purpose was, I wouldn't have any idea! I don't even know how to answer this question in my native language, let alone Japanese. I was temporarily brain dead and had no choice but to leave the bank. On the way home, I remembered that I still had money to send to university. So I went back to the bank counter and asked to transfer money. Staff: “Please use the ATM!” I'm already at the counter, so is it really difficult to just go to the counter and complete the procedure? As expected from the staff of Hiroshima Bank! He's a great person! Even though I have visited major banks in Tokyo, I have never received such high quality service. Now, let's go through the procedure at the ATM machine. As a foreigner like me, Japanese ATM machines are very complicated, so I asked the bank staff for guidance. Still, I was able to see an ATM screen full of hiragana and katakana characters. I said to myself, ``Ah...it's such a hassle.'' At that point, I received a valuable comment from the bank staff next door: ``Shall we stop?'' I'm sorry, I'm sorry. As a dumb foreigner, I am truly sorry for causing trouble to the great Hiroshima Bank staff. I apologize, please forgive me. I would like to take this opportunity to comment in three languages: Japanese, Chinese, and English. =========================================== I am a foreign student. Due to the demand for inter-university cooperation, we are planning to develop a bank in Hong Kong. When we start the process of opening the inquiry for the bank, we will make a one-week reservation based on the very low demand for the bank's answer. I clearly understand. After completing the first week, I left the store to try it out, but the bank refused to meet me. This is the cause of my question and refusal. ``I am not accepting any requests from the bank, but I am seeking to open the university for the purpose of paying for my studies.Do you have any other important purposes?'' Na? Is it time to pay for the trip one week ago? I am a foreigner, and there are many unknown areas in Japan, and I am the immediate messenger, and I am in a strange situation when I travel to Japan. “Yet?! Important purpose??” I'm just an ordinary international student, and I can't think of an answer for the "important purpose" when I say it in Japanese. At one point, the machine died, I was in the office, and I just left the bank. On the streets of my home country, I remembered that I had arrived at the university's employment requirements. You are here when you arrive at the bank, and you will be asked to submit your order. Bank worker's comment: “Using an automatic transaction machine!” Did I have any trouble completing the procedure before I was in the office? Of course they are the great Guang Island banking workers! Although he has never been a member of Tokyo University Bank, he has not yet enjoyed this "high-quality" service. Yes, you can use ATM machine. The work was done by a foreigner, who led the Japanese ATM machine, so I took over and directed the bank's workers. As for the immediate delivery, we will see when the ATM screen is full. Also, in my own words, "I...have to go to the next map." I said, "Are you sure that all the bank workers have arrived?" It doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. I am a foolish foreigner, a great operative in the island's banking industry, and I am deeply committed to this. I am guilty, I am guilty. If you have the opportunity, you can read it in Japanese, Chinese, Japanese and English. Translation of three languages. =========================================== I am a foreign student. I would like to open an account at Hiroshima Bank for university-related procedures. When I asked the bank about the procedure for opening an account, it seems that a reservation was required at least one week in advance. Yes, I understand. After making a reservation a week ago, I went to this store and tried to open an account, but the bank counter refused to open an account. When asked about the reason for refusal. "We do not accept requests to open an account solely for the purpose of paying college tuition. Is there any other important purpose?" that? Why didn't you tell me anything when you booked a week ago? I'm a foreigner, but do you still have a lot of questions about the rules of Japan? Still, I can only remember "What ?!" about that strange question. It was I don't know if I'm an international student and I'm asked about an "important purpose"! I don't even know how to answer this question in my native language, let alone Japanese. I was in a state of brain death for a while, so I had no choice but to leave the bank. On the way back, I remembered that there was still a remittance to the university. So I went back to the bank counter and asked for a remittance. Staff "Please use an ATM!" I'm already at the counter, is it very difficult to go through the procedure at the counter as it is? As expected, the staff of Hiroshima Bank! You're a great person! Even though I have visited a major bank in Tokyo, I have never received such "high quality" service. Then, let's go through the procedure with an ATM machine. As a foreigner, Japanese ATM machines are very complicated, so I asked for the guidance of bank staff. Even so, when you can see the ATM screen full of hiragana and katakana. I was soliloquy, "Oh ... it's a hassle." So, I got a valuable tsukkomi from the bank staff next door, "Well, let's stop? " I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm a foolish foreigner, and I'm really sorry for causing trouble to the great Hiroshima Bank staff. I apologize, please forgive me. Because it is a good idea, I will comment in three languages: Japanese, Chinese, and English.

  • akira 777n888h

    akira 777n888h


    I only use ATMs. I feel like the store clerk I was a little involved with is still warm.

  • 筑豊・ ・31

    筑豊・ ・31


    I'm glad it's here.

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