Hiroshimaginko Koyominami Shiten en Hiroshima

JapónHiroshimaginko Koyominami Shiten



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-4-11 Kuchita, Asakita Ward, Hiroshima, 739-1734, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-843-8111
sitio web: www.hirogin.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.4673847, Longitude: 132.5053712

comentarios 5

  • yotorin



    One ATM machine seemed to be out of order, and there was only one machine in operation. The counter was empty, but there was a line at the ATM.

  • K T

    K T


    When I called to confirm my account number, I was told, "Please tell me your 4-digit PIN." eh? ! When I asked for confirmation, they insisted on telling me the PIN number, so when I reluctantly answered, they said, ``Customer, please don't tell me your PIN number. What I'm asking for is your account number.'' First of all, the account number was not a 4-digit number, and even though I had checked it, they misinterpreted the account number and PIN number, and in the end, they said something like it was my mistake, which made me feel really bad. After a few minutes on the phone, I understood why this bank had such a low rating.

  • MIKI



    This happened before, but when I made a deposit, on the same day, I was immediately asked who made the deposit, and was asked to manage my assets.It seemed like they were somehow monitoring people's assets, which made me feel very uncomfortable. Even though there is none at all...

  • 渡邊裕之



  • たまねぎ



    I felt like I was being insulted by the woman at the counter who responded to me with her hands on her hips in an irritated manner. I'm scared. The other woman who helped me was very polite, so I gave it 2 stars.

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