Hiroshima Nishi Post Office i Hiroshima

JapanHiroshima Nishi Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

5-10 Tenmachō, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-8799, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 570-073-085
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
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Latitude: 34.3970375, Longitude: 132.4385094

kommentar 5

  • Hiros SW

    Hiros SW


    This is a government office that can be given the lowest rating in Japan on G Map. It's not a service industry. I don't take responsibility either. It's a station where the staff members do a lot of things wrong and one user ends up suffering multiple losses. Employees think of themselves as civil servants. It's really inconvenient to have the latest information.

  • 陽


    They always respond well. Thank you for your continued support.

  • 福田薫



    There were other seats available, but the content certification is different after all.They treated me politely.When they realized I was a disabled person, they showed me to a low table. That's great for me,

  • maumau



    It's hard to give a general evaluation because there are so many different jobs, but the people at the counter are approachable at all times and I think they're good overall. The other day, I went to exchange lost postcards. I just wanted 30 yen worth of stamps and was so focused on that that I didn't notice, but apparently the person in charge had miscounted the number of loss postcards I had received, and the next day they were sent as ``special delivery.'' They even sent me a few replacement stamps and a long, carefully handwritten letter. I wasn't aware of it at all until I received your letter, so I was quite moved ❤️ Even though it was a small amount...I thought he was very professional! ️ I could see that every little detail and procedure was done perfectly. I think this is a very honest post office.

  • m k

    m k


    On Saturdays and Sundays, there are always more than 15 groups in line at the Yuyu counter. What if the director here understands this current situation? Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are closed and the counter is extremely crowded. Normally you take precautions, right? He is a representative of the post office who will never lose his civil servant character.

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