Hiroshima Naka Post Office i Hiroshima

JapanHiroshima Naka Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

6-36 Motomachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0011, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 570-943-816
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
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Latitude: 34.3959446, Longitude: 132.4562862

kommentar 5

  • Giancarlo Criscuolo

    Giancarlo Criscuolo


    Convenient post office with friendly staff who, even if they didn't speak the language, responded to my need to send the broken portable router back to the supplier. Divided between credit branches and postal shipment branches. Efficient.

  • ペンギン



    It's an outdated post office that doesn't even have a ticket machine for waiting in line at the post counter. The attitude of the elderly man at the reception is also bad.

  • zu si

    zu si


    I looked on the web and went after hours. but There is no Yu-Yu counter, so I couldn't leave my luggage after hours. (Information as of March 2022.) Other than that, it's convenient, spacious and clean in town, and there are many ATMs.

  • *あ



    There are many ATMs, which is helpful. The counter is always extremely crowded, and in severe cases, there can be long lines that extend all the way to the automatic entrance door. I think it's crowded because there are many people who send multiple items at once for work, but I feel like it's a nuisance for people like me who only want to send one item in a non-standard size. There were 4 postal counters, so if possible, I would like them to take measures such as dividing them 3:1...

  • 山本大輔



    In business and tourist areas and downtown areas in Hiroshima City, This post office is located in a prime location, which is a very convenient transportation hub. I understand that it is not a delivery office, but I also understand that the time required by the coronavirus is reduced. At the very least, I would like the counter to be open until 20:00 and 18:00 on Sundays and holidays. I think it is too early to open until 17:00 on Saturdays and especially until 12:30 on Sundays and holidays. I would like the savings counters to remain as they are now, but the postal counters to be open depending on location. If you are planning to go there, please check carefully before going.

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