Hirochan Oyster w Itoshima

JaponiaHirochan Oyster


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-36-14 Kafuri, Itoshima, Fukuoka 819-1124, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 90-5295-3020
strona internetowej: hirochankaki.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5501041, Longitude: 130.1628031

komentarze 5

  • Ngoclinh Hoang

    Ngoclinh Hoang


    the staff is very nice, they grill for us free, they have Choco chan, choco brown puppy very calm and nice 🐶

  • Chanit Ounkomol

    Chanit Ounkomol


    Normal oyster grill.

  • Pun O

    Pun O


    Great seafood BBQ place especially grilled oysters. Seafood are fresh and delicious. The price is reasonable and staff are very nice and responsive. Some downside is the hotate are frozen and long waiting for seat.

  • Shel Oui

    Shel Oui


    Not sure what i was expecting. But we donned the jackets, put the food to cook on the gas grill and waited. It was a cold day so was nice to be indoors. Like many have shared, oysters were a little on the small flesh side of things. We visited at about 1pm and had to wait abit. The bus here is infrequent, so plan your visit. We went to the Tottoro forest before heading here for 'lunch'. The oysters do pop and squirt hot juices and it hurts abit, you have been warned.

  • seyhock lim

    seyhock lim


    We found this restaurant in Google map and decided to try it out. There are only 2 oyster restaurants at this place. The service was very good. They sent an English speaking waitress to take our order since they noticed we don’t speak good Japanese. We tried many variety; oyster, clam, scallop, snail, fish and prawn. Grilled it ourself. The best was oyster and prawn, fresh and juicy. We repeated the oyster order since it taste so good. Crab soup must drink fast else it’s cool so fast due to the weather. You should wear they jacket as the grilling may split out some juicy or crack to you. They have a cute dog too.

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