Himeji Castle Grandvrio Hotel en Himeji

JapónHimeji Castle Grandvrio Hotel


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Himeji Castle Hotel, Sanzaemon Borinishinomachi, Himeji, Hyogo 670-0940, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 50-5847-7770
sitio web: www.himejicastlehotel.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8207617, Longitude: 134.6892614

comentarios 5

  • Victoria Baxter

    Victoria Baxter


    I was in town for a conference and stayed here 4 nights. The onsen is large and a wonderful end of the day respite. The breakfast has both Japanese and American/european dishes. The room was clean and of a decent size for a solo traveler. There was A/C. The staff had English translations and were kind to me as I navigated Japan for first time from US. There are 2 washer/dryer combos (all in Japanese but relatively easy to figure out w Google translate). It’s a 12 min walk to the train station and 20 to the Arcrea. Quieter part of town compared to the other side of the station.

  • Arham Khalid

    Arham Khalid


    I don't rate it as good hotel. Room is so so small that it suits to "South East Asians" only and South Asians (because of their tall height) don't fit in the bed. There is no almirah to hang clothes. There is no locker to keep money safe. There is no bell boy to drop luggage at guest's room. Lobby is always free of people. Tea items are kept in lobby and not in the room. They don't give water bottles, but ask guests to use water from tap in wash room. Staff doesn't know english and is highly poor in communication (although they are very polite and respectful). Breakfast is good (6.5/10).

  • Ryan C

    Ryan C


    Really great experience with the onsen included with our stay. Staff were very nice and accommodating, such as allowing us to store our luggage after checking out. Much appreciated, thanks! Rooms are a bit on the older side. About a 12 minute walk from Himeji station.

  • Renzan San

    Renzan San


    1. No tattoos allowed in onsen, yet the in-room showers are terrible (low pressure, not constant temperature, mold) 2. Couldn’t find a triple room, so had to get 2 rooms with double beds. 3. Shuttle to station doesn’t start until noon. Yet check out is at 11. How to get to station? Walk 4-5 blocks or taxi. Doesn’t make sense. 4. Breakfast wasn’t included in our room price and costs ¥1650 per person extra per night. So for 3 of us, comes out to ¥4950 just for breakfast. 5. Windows let all sound in from street. We were on 8th floor and heard everything. 6. Large active construction site next to our room made #5 worse 7. 2hr free bike rental was nice, but hotel was not flexible about letting us keep bikes for longer even if nobody was waiting. Not a whole lot you can do in 2 hrs. Also, you can’t borrow bikes until after 3pm, further limiting the benefit. Recommendation: check other hotels next to the station.

  • Sammy Mak

    Sammy Mak


    Hotel is not what I expected "close" to Himeji station. But it is "only" 10min walk and from noon to 8pm except 2pm, there is shuttle bus roams between Himeji Station and hotel every 20min. We got a twin room for the price of other hotel would just got a semi Double. 4 bicycles are available for 2 hrs guest daily. I used it everyday and enjoyed it. On-site onsen is good, except the key lock arrangement took us some time to learn. We didn't use the house clean and rewarded with daily drink from the vendor machine. Good experience and definitely will stay again.

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