Hilton Tokyo en Shinjuku City

JapónHilton Tokyo


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6-chōme-6-2 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3344-5111
sitio web: www.hilton.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6925835, Longitude: 139.6911889

comentarios 5

  • Danny Mehta

    Danny Mehta


    Overall, I would recommend... especially if you opt for the executive lounge access. It was nice with good views up on 37th floor. Good food and service, and liked their breakfast. I guess the only thing I personally hated was the very firm mattress. Uncomfortable.

  • Rob Smith

    Rob Smith


    Stayed here for a few nights. Thin walls. One night there was a group of people being loud all night until someone (their mother?) yelled at them early in the morning. After they left, I could hear neighboring room coughing, clearing throat and spitting throughout the night along with using the restroom and kids above running, stomping and screaming late night and early morning. Turning on bathroom light blasts bed with light in middle of the night due to opaque shower glass. Very little privacy in the business center. Elevators stopped at nearly every floor one morning. Nothing romantic or business friendly about being woken up by neighboring rooms or partner using the bathroom at night. I’ve stayed in hostels and much poorly rated hotels and set my expectations accordingly. Given the high rating of Hilton Tokyo I expected a much better experience. Bottom line: If you want something romantic and peaceful, choose a different hotel.

  • Reid Lovig

    Reid Lovig


    My new favorite Hilton. All of the staff are extremely helpful and go above and beyond to make sure your stay is a great one. The executive lounge is quite large, and it needs to be with how busy this hotel is. Free cocktails and a decent selection of food in the lounge from 5:30-7:30pm. I'll stay here again when I return to Tokyo

  • Bernadette Estepa (Gaijin Guide)

    Bernadette Estepa (Gaijin Guide)


    Went to this hotel for a seminar held by a private institution. There’s a restaurant at the righthand side of the lobby. The ground floor is a rather busy area. There are about 4 sets of elevators. The conference room we used looked good. The area was beautifully decorated.

  • Andrew Goh

    Andrew Goh


    Arrived at this hotel for my first time in Japan – excellent location with a direct airport bus. If you're not in a hurry, Hilton is right at the doorstep, very convenient. Check-in was a bit chaotic due to post-marathon crowds, but a helpful staff member ensured I got a room by 11 am, despite the official check-in time. Opted for coffee at a nearby Starbucks due to the crowded lobby breakfast area. Given a temporary gym floor access card for a quick refresh upon arrival at 9 am. Impressed by the overall hotel setup, clean rooms, and the conference room with a fantastic sound system and decorations. The gym offered plenty of treadmills. Day two's breakfast featured a diverse spread from Western to Japanese cuisine, accompanied by quality food and great service. The Castle Bar is a relaxing spot with a delightful band. Rooms are more spacious than typical Japanese standards. Highly recommend for convenient access to trains and food amenities.

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