Higshiono Post Office w Onojo

JaponiaHigshiono Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-20-36 Ōki, Onojo, Fukuoka 816-0911, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 92-504-0988
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5360775, Longitude: 130.4898211

komentarze 5

  • ぼよまっさ



    An old lady with a big face is always disgusting When I told them I had to carry some luggage, they told me it was a pain and told me I should quit.

  • ta sawa

    ta sawa


    The adjacent stand was closed. The nearby Otsugane area is rapidly being developed and the number of companies, hospitals, and shops is increasing, and although the parking lot is small, there are a lot of visitors, so I would like to have the site purchased as a post office parking lot. Parking for only 4 cars is not enough.

  • くりーむサンド



    It took some time due to Mercari shipping, but they kindly handled it❗

  • シュナウザー



    The parking lot fills up quickly at noon. Also, the parking lot itself is small and difficult to park. There are often cars parked on the street. It's understandable when it comes to putting mail in the mailbox, but there are many people who go inside the post office. There is also only one ATM, so employees from nearby factories line up after payday. Moreover, even though the entrance to the ATM is designated, many people fail to follow it. There are signs at the exit telling you to turn towards the entrance, but many people can't read Japanese. (despite being Japanese) I can't tell you how many times I've had my turn at an ATM taken away by an old lady who came in from the exit. Even after taking the number at the Japan Post ticket machine, there are times when I am not called and have to wait for a long time. I wonder if the people sitting or talking in the back can't deal with it...

  • EIJI



    Although users are advised not to park on sidewalks or roads, post office officials themselves are taking the initiative to park on sidewalks and roads. Pedestrians are detouring onto the road, which is extremely dangerous.

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