Hakata North Post Office w Fukuoka

JaponiaHakata North Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-3-26 Ōi, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-8799, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 570-076-522
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6050871, Longitude: 130.4417831

komentarze 5

  • Lys Noir

    Lys Noir


    Basically, I am often involved in receiving deliveries. Once the package arrives at the station, delivery is quick, and I've never had any problems with re-delivery when I'm not home or pick-up at the counter when I need something urgently. I've moved within the delivery area three times and have never had any complaints, but there are a lot of negative reviews. What's the difference?

  • 5 coco

    5 coco


    I don't know if the amount of shipments is large, but if you use Mercari through here, it will take a long time to arrive at the recipient's destination. The Yu-Packet system takes 3 to 4 days even in Kansai. If it's Yamato Nekoposu, it's the next day. For some reason, the packages coming from the other side are fast.

  • くま·ᴥ·



    When you purchase an iPhone and check it with the Yu-Pack tracking service, Immediately after arriving at Hakata Kita at 12:43, the item was being taken out, but it was past 9pm with no sign of it being delivered. Ha? When I checked the tracking service just before 11pm, it showed that it had been delivered at 10:34pm and was in the delivery box. I thought Yamato was excellent after all.

  • Jonathan Tan

    Jonathan Tan


    It is near (15mins) from Fukuoka airport. For last minute parcels to send overseas, this is the place to go.

  • OldYellow



    Invalid phone number. Could you please check if the provided number is correct?

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