Higokatsu i Naha




🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-7-19 Izumizaki, Naha, Okinawa 900-0021, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 50-5487-2861
internet side: higokatsu.gorp.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.211529, Longitude: 127.678465

kommentar 5

  • Nick Lee

    Nick Lee


    Possibly some of the highest quality sushi available in Okinawa prepared to perfection. Friendly and helpful service in a traditional setting. Highly recommended.

  • Vincent Alfred Yukting Li

    Vincent Alfred Yukting Li


    Super kind and friendly staff, Great sushi and japanese seafood, prepared with heart and quality, will definitely come again next time!!

  • Robert Terrell

    Robert Terrell


    This place is great. The staff were super accommodating and were able to seat us in between other reservations. Our favorites were the horse meat and seared tuna. I docked a star because they were out of several items we wanted and there were a few things we asked about specifically that ended up being incorrect. That may have been a language barrier though. Our group would come here again.

  • Yunji Chelsea Kim

    Yunji Chelsea Kim


    Small joint selling sushi and horse meat. We didn’t try the horse meat but the sushi was overall good. I wouldn’t say the quality of the fish were of the best but considering the price it was a good option. They only recommended the sushi set to be shared among 4 people but we ended up ordering much more. After all we weren’t used to eating such small portions as the Japanese folks! The staff is very friendly and helpful despite language barrier.

  • WetheNORTH



    They are famous for eating horse sashimi, however it didnt really tasted good or fresh, and some other sushi wasnt as good as expected. But the atmosphere is pretty nice, and pricewise isnt that bad.

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