Aguro Baisen Coffee i Naha

JapanAguro Baisen Coffee



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2-chōme-24-12 Kume, Naha, Okinawa 900-0033, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 98-862-1995
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Latitude: 26.2172757, Longitude: 127.6741068

kommentar 5

  • Zahra G

    Zahra G


    What a wonderful place to enjoy great coffee! I was delighted by the atmosphere of this place.

  • Li-Ching Cheng

    Li-Ching Cheng


    It’s a good place. Crushed ice and coffee layered with brownsuger and whipped cream is really special. Owner has particular persistence and made coffee feel better.




    My son and I visited this cafe to have a dessert, but they didn't have one. We ordered cheese, maple & black pepper toast, and it was a great replacement of dessert. I also ordered ice coffee, and it was good. I don't know about coffee that much, but it was definitely better than Starbucks ones. This place might be a great alternative for someone who wants good coffee, not dessert.

  • Suzie Kim

    Suzie Kim


    Antique feel with the Beatles playing in the background. Loved sitting there with my cafe au lait, bacon and egg toast. The server was nice. The menu is in English and they accept credit cards. Very cute and adorable place! They have coffee beans from different parts of the world. For coffee enthusiast, stop by for your daily beans or a cup of joe.

  • Jacky Choy

    Jacky Choy


    It is the only proper cafe in the area, and the quality is extremely good! The coffee and the choice of coffee beans are professionally offered. The toast / sandwich are very delicious in Japanese x western style. The atmosphere and cozy environment gave me a very good breakfast time. And it is operated by one person (the owner) only! You can tell her efforts from all the tiny details inside. Very much appreciated!

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