Higo Bank Kikuyo Branch in Kikuyo

JapanHigo Bank Kikuyo Branch



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2448-1 Tsukure, Kikuyo, Kikuchi District, Kumamoto 869-1101, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 96-232-6111
webseite: www.higobank.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.860703, Longitude: 130.7995849

kommentare 5

  • m i

    m i


    I went to the counter to just get an envelope, but even though they were busy, they treated me in a friendly manner👍. I think it varies from branch to branch. At one branch, I was made to look at people with annoyance, which made me feel uncomfortable, so I felt that the customer service at this branch was even more amazing. ✌🤤

  • 井晃



    I came here to create a bankbook cash card. The person who responded to me was polite and kind. I told them that I had a bankbook for some time and that I was there to make a cash card for it, and they responded. I received an explanation that a regular cash card would require an issuance fee, but a cash card with credit card functions could be issued without any issuance fee. Since I don't need a credit card function, I asked for a regular cash card, even if there was a fee. Finally, I was introduced to a cash card with credit card functions, but I asked for a regular cash card. Immediately before completing the procedure, I was informed that there would be no charge for a regular ATM card if it was issued for the first time. Even though I explained that I had a passbook and wanted to get a cash card when I visited, I was advised to get a cash card with a credit card function because there is a fee for issuing a cash card. I don't know if it was a lack of awareness on the part of the bank employee who gave me the information, or if the salesperson was trying to get points for me, but either way, it just makes me feel uncomfortable. Please come with a sense of doubt as to whether all the explanations are correct.

  • Shororo



    The guide was very kind and was able to complete the process quickly. I felt very comfortable as I was treated very cheerfully. I will be using this again.




    The cost of bathroom work at my parents' house was expensive, so I brought my elderly father to the counter to make the payment. Minus ⭐︎1 because the ballpoint pen was not sharp when filling out the transfer form.

  • mikio anai

    mikio anai


    It is located on the right side of National Route 57 (commonly known as Kikuyo Bypass) as you head toward Sanriki Station. There are 4 reception desks, 4 ATM machines, and 1 money exchange machine.In the past, there was a bankbook repeat machine on the right side of the ATM machine, which was convenient, but it no longer exists. ATM operating hours are weekdays from 8:00 to 20:00 and Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays from 9:00 to 19:00. Some of you may find this convenient. An ATM is also located at the main entrance of nearby Sunly Kikuyo. In addition, there is a branch office inside Kikuyo Town Hall that specializes in tax payments, but there is also an ATM machine in the corner of the parking lot of the town hall, which is open from 8:45 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays and from 9 a.m. on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays. It's 7pm.

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