High Set Hotel Shizuoka Inter in Shizuoka

JapanHigh Set Hotel Shizuoka Inter



🕗 öffnungszeiten

322-1 Nakamurachō, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8047, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 54-283-3321
webseite: high-set-hotel.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9518018, Longitude: 138.3902547

kommentare 5

  • Chris Menezes

    Chris Menezes


    Service is good. Very convenient for my business trip. Easy to commute to work. The staff have some english experience.

  • 吳孟津



    I enjoyed a lot when staying at this hotel, especially its outstanding breakfast. The hotel itself is not new, however the room looks newly renovated. The only one thing needed to be improved is the high step to the bethroom, it is higher than any other business hotel I have ever stayed and therefore dangerous for my elder parent, myself also kicked the step once. The breakfast provides nice foods which sledom seen in breakfast buffet, such as sashimi and takoyaki, the light point is the eel rice and cabbage rice, too good for breakfast, no wonder it was rank #1 breakfast in the area.

  • George Oliver SHAWSHANK

    George Oliver SHAWSHANK


    High value for your money. Basically this one was cheap. It cost a little more than US$200 for three nights. You could view Mt Fuji from your room (depending on your room's orientation).

  • Nina Chuang

    Nina Chuang


    A quiet hotel with enough supplements. But the bed is too hard to have a good sleep.

  • Cody Steel

    Cody Steel


    What you'd expect from a budget hotel. The beds weren't amazing but the price was cheap and the staff were very friendly. Free wi-fi.

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