Hidakaya w Toda




🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-15-1 Honchō, Toda, Saitama 335-0023, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 48-431-7677
strona internetowej: hidakaya.hiday.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.80798, Longitude: 139.6781168

komentarze 5

  • A C C

    A C C


    It's a very convenient location as you can approach it from inside the station (inside the ticket gate) and from outside. The inside of the store is divided in the middle, almost like a national border😅. As a stable Hidakaya, I think it's crowded. The touch panel ordering system also simplifies operation. I think it is unavoidable, but even though there are two cash registers (one inside the station and one outside), even during busy times, if the cashiers take turns handling the cashiers, it can cause traffic jams and cause people to miss their trains. Since this happens often, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce a ticket vending machine for meal tickets and make it a prepaid system (at least only inside the station).

  • Howard K

    Howard K


    Good cost performance. The main Chinese noodles are made with a soup stock made from shaved bonito flakes, which makes it refreshing.

  • あゆにわた



    I used it for a break before Sunday evening. It was nice because I could enter from inside the station and use JRE points. Even the stroller has bothered me several times. It was a free time, so I was able to relax. First, beer was a little cheaper at the beer festival, so I ordered it. I was tired from the children's pool, so I drank it all at once and had a second drink! I was surprised at how cheap it was. I didn't know of a place where you could drink draft beer so cheaply. Lunch was a bit small, so I ordered a few snacks. It was my first time ordering cheese spring rolls, and they were crunchy and delicious. I was surprised at how fast the delivery speed was. As expected, it's a chain store. The yakitori was also quite delicious. The ramen costs 390 yen, so it's a good value! It's just ordinary Chinese noodles, but kids like it. It's also nice to be able to leave the store and get on the train right away. It's the perfect resting place. I also often order fried rice.

  • ly hồ

    ly hồ


    very crowded but staff are always smiling and well come. new food so delicious and cheap

  • Akira Ikegami

    Akira Ikegami


    Good for a quick bite

najbliższy Restauracja

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