北京亭 w Toda




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1739 Niizo, Toda, Saitama 335-0021, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 48-431-0035
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Latitude: 35.8167694, Longitude: 139.6625738

komentarze 5

  • Y H

    Y H


    A Taiwanese Chinese restaurant with a town Chinese feel. There are four cars next to the store. There are less than 10 people at the counter, and all the tables are tatami rooms. 4 people injured 6 capacity. I went on a Sunday at noon, and there was plenty of space even with 8 customers in front of me. The menu is neither particularly new nor cheap. Mapo tofu is self-service for lunch on weekdays. This time I ordered a mixed menu. The ramen set (soy sauce ramen, 3 gyoza, half rice, almond tofu) is half rice and half fried rice. It was about 1100 yen. The ramen set meal costs 800 yen, so if the rice is half fried rice, it will be an additional 300 yen, which is not a good value. The gyoza has a homemade feel and is juicy and delicious. The ramen has bean sprouts and is crunchy, but everything else is pretty average. I was disappointed that the fried rice was too oily, but it was quite delicious with lots of eggs and a lot of flavor. Everything else is pretty normal. Is it expensive considering the price?

  • 齋藤圭



    Machi Chinese restaurant run by Chinese staff. It's cheap, lively, and delicious. There is also a tatami room, and it is crowded with locals. There are quite a lot of parking lots including the second one, so it's nice to be able to stop by when you have an idea. I recommend the kimchi fried rice.

  • Seiichi Aikawa

    Seiichi Aikawa


    My eldest son's apartment is nearby, so I walked there for lunch. There is a parking lot for 4 cars beside the store, and there is a parking lot where you go inside the store and turn right. The store opens at 11 a.m., so while I was waiting for the store to open, I was told that it was ready and I could enter. Thank goodness it was hot. When I was led to a raised table and sat down, I felt a little uncomfortable as the table was sticky. I had the sweet and sour pork set meal, and my wife chose the crab ball. Also, the fried chicken is served separately. The overall taste is strong. My eldest son said it might be the best for drinking sake. I want to try something noodle-related next time.

  • YOKO H.

    YOKO H.


    I found this shop with a conspicuous exterior along Kita Odori Street. So I decided to visit here without doing any research, but the 4-car parking lot next to the store was full. As I approached the store, I saw that there was a second parking lot, so I parked my car in the second parking lot, which has room for 4 cars and is about 100 meters away from there. Visiting before 12:00 on a holiday, the restaurant was crowded and the seats were filled with families. There was an empty counter seat, so I decided to sit there. I immediately checked the menu, but my companion had already announced that he was going to eat hiyashi chuka, so I was a little impatient with my selection. The set meal set comes with a photo, so it's hard to decide which one to choose, but when I'm unsure, I go for the stir-fried pork and chive set (930 yen) because it's the first thing that catches my eye. The set can be changed to +350 yen for half fried rice set, and +350 yen for half ramen set. I usually don't do this, but I ended up asking for a half-fried rice set. I ate some really delicious fried rice a while ago, so I started thinking, ``How about this restaurant?'' with a strange sense of sex appeal. whatever. The stir-fried pork and chive set (half fried rice) comes with soup, pickled vegetables, and almond tofu. I immediately tried the stir-fried pork and chive set, and the crunchy bean sprouts and chives go well with the fatty pork. Moreover, it has a strong flavor that is just right for my taste. I tried the fried rice because I thought it was a carbohydrate, but it tasted pretty bland. Is it because you've eaten strong food? When I shared it with my companion, he said it had no taste at all. Why is it that when I eat just fried rice, it doesn't taste good? Perhaps the flavor was made lighter with the idea that the set would be served while eating side dishes? As I continued eating, I tried the egg and seaweed soup, but to my surprise, the soup had no taste at all. The gyoza has a little bit of filling and is cooked just right. This was quite delicious. The set is quite large so I could barely finish it all, but it's a little difficult to rate. I quite liked the pork and chive stir-fry, but the rest wasn't to my liking.

  • 益子貴寛



    A Chinese restaurant in Niiso, Toda City. Although it is a native Chinese restaurant, the atmosphere is typical of a small town Chinese restaurant with a large number of seats. The table was full, so we sat at the counter with three family members. ・Shrimp fried rice ・Gyoza ・Charshu men ・Bean sprout soba Shrimp fried rice is characterized by a lot of coarsely chopped carrots and onions. Fried shrimp coated with potato starch on top. Overall, it's oily, but I don't dislike it because it feels unpretentious. The handmade fried dumplings are large and chewy, making them very filling. There are 6 pieces, so it's great that three people can share two each. If we were a family of four, a fight without humanity would have broken out... (Let's order two servings) My wife had the bean sprout soba, and my son had the chashu men and almond tofu. I was given some bean sprout soba and it was delicious. The soup, the noodles, the ingredients, everything is good. It tasted so good that it could become a specialty.

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