Hibiya Park Fountain i Chiyoda-ku

JapanHibiya Park Fountain



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1-2 日比谷公園 Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō-to 100-0012, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81
internet side: www.hibiyapark.info
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6735133, Longitude: 139.7568125

kommentar 5

  • en

    Joseph Kyzar


    There are lots of festivals and other events here at hibiya park. The park itself is extremely nice and well kept. Located near other cool spots too, diet building, Godzilla statue, imperial palace, etc

  • Christos Harmantzis

    Christos Harmantzis


    If you enjoy walking around the city, this is a great place to catch a breather. You can sit on the park benches and watch the fountain and the trees, in front of skyscrapers. Like a mini-Central Park.

  • Dean Farley

    Dean Farley


    A nice relaxing park inside Tokyo. I’m sure there were other things but we were there for a wine festival and it was amazing.

  • en

    siriluck JK


    Nice park, clean and relaxable.

  • en

    Kazuhiko Nakajima


    I visited here yesterday morning. A lot of people got together. Maybe, they would prepare a event held yesterday.

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