Hareruya i Fujisawa




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1-chōme-8-33 Katasekaigan, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0035, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 466-26-8335
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.3099556, Longitude: 139.4866919

kommentar 5

  • dominic l

    dominic l


    The ramen was great, broth was not too heavy. The owner and staff were really friendly, a great experience.

  • Thia Triggs

    Thia Triggs


    I had the basic Ramen ¥850, I have to say this is the best Ramen I’ve had in Japan in the 3 1/2 weeks I’ve been here. Very authentic atmosphere, only locals here now. As an English speaker, I needed Google Translate to use the ticket machine to order.

  • Noah Weyd

    Noah Weyd


    I came here a few times already, and it's been really delicious every time! So far I tried the Miso Ramen, Tsukemen, and Soy-Sauce Ramen. All of them are really good. Only one time, it had a little bit too much of garlic. Otherwise, I can really recommend going here. Also, very friendly owner and staff. It's always fun to have a small conversation while getting a cold beer!! If you're in the area and feel like eating ramen, it's definitely worth checking out.

  • Ka Lai Veron Lam

    Ka Lai Veron Lam


    There is a lot of new ramen shops with different innovations on styles, tastes, ingredients, or soup base ….having a traditional ramen is another enjoyment. I love Hareruya’s elements, just simple, tradition and tasty.

  • Jacky Wu

    Jacky Wu


    Probably one of the most affordable ramen store tasted. Definitely pork broth based. We had after being drenched in a downpour. It's definitely better than those famous brands found in downtown Tokyo. Must try when you are around here!

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