Wakasa i Fujisawa




🕗 åbningstider

1-7 Kugenumahanazawachō, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0023, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 466-24-4151
internet side: wakasa.owst.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.3379994, Longitude: 139.4854426

kommentar 5

  • 前田勉



    You can have a relaxing meal in a private room. It's a good shop.

  • 秀


    I used it at a celebration. We all had a great time in a quiet space. All of the dishes were delicious compared to the kaiseki cuisine I've eaten so far. The salt-grilled barracuda, duck, and tea soba were especially delicious. I would like to use them again.

  • kuma tobu

    kuma tobu


    I used it for a banquet, and the food was delicious and the atmosphere was very nice. Also I want to go.

  • 荒井花子



    Famous ``Yakimono Gozen ``Silver Cod Saikyoyaki'''' (Saikyo-yaki, sashimi, chawanmushi, small side dishes, pickles, meals, miso soup, sweets) With the skin removed, the Saikyo-yaki was grilled to just the right amount of flakiness, locking in the flavor, and I was able to enjoy the deliciousness with both my eyes and my tongue. The fresh "sashimi" and "chawanmushi" are impressive flavors that let you feel the heart of the chef. (Delicious food → It makes you feel even more delicious when the staff who welcomes you and delivers it to your table have a caring smile on their faces.👍️)

  • おからK



    I enjoyed a Japanese lunch with a friend for the first time in a while. I made a reservation and had lunch for 2,500 yen, but it was a private room so I was able to really relax. It's Japanese food, so it doesn't feel like much, but it was carefully prepared and tasted delicious both when I saw it and when I ate it. Thank you for the meal. 2021.11

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